Build Status Notes
528909 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian11-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-10 17:06:45 Completed: 2024-06-11 01:06:47
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528913 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1718050505 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528924 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1718050947 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528925 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1718052878 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528930 meta-agl-core stream8-ty-1 1718042540 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
528931 meta-arm rocky9-ty-1 1718042462 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
528959 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1718051728 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528968 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1718063712 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528678 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-08 18:06:49 Completed: 2024-06-08 23:06:36
528742 qemux86-tc alma9-ty-1 1717879639 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending qemu failure
528607 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-08 10:06:02 Completed: 2024-06-08 20:06:14
528611 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717844953 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
528615 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717861516 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528617 oe-selftest-centos stream8-ty-1 1717861970 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
528618 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1717865105 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
528619 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1717861999 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528631 meta-agl-core ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717846957 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
528632 meta-arm ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717843016 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
528634 meta-clang ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717867418 (Warnings)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
528638 musl-qemux86 debian12-ty-1 1717859293 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
528639 musl-qemux86-64 stream8-ty-1 1717861222 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
528647 qemuarm-alt alma9-ty-2 1717852871 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
528651 qemuarm64-alt alma8-ty-1 1717855777 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
528655 qemumips-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1717849130 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
528659 qemuppc opensuse154-ty-2 1717851923 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Pending
528660 qemuppc-alt opensuse154-ty-2 1717849376 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
528664 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1717877740 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528673 qemux86-world-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1717864828 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
527568 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-04 20:06:58 Completed: 2024-06-05 08:06:21
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527576 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1717544463 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527578 oe-selftest-centos alma8-ty-1 1717541443 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527579 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1717546780 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527580 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717541286 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527592 meta-agl-core alma9-ty-2 1717534568 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
527593 meta-arm alma8-ty-1 1717533840 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
527620 qemuppc stream8-ty-1 1717536550 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Pending
527625 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1717553811 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527495 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: alma8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-04 11:06:23 Completed: 2024-06-04 20:06:58
527499 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717519742 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527501 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1717533235 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527502 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1717532705 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527507 oe-selftest-centos alma8-ty-1 1717520015 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527511 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717517721 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527514 qemux86-64 stream8-ty-1 1717520747 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527515 oe-selftest-fedora fedora39-ty-2 1717519725 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527523 meta-agl-core opensuse154-ty-2 1717505058 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
527524 meta-arm alma9-ty-2 1717503680 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527526 meta-clang alma9-ty-1 1717518500 (Warnings)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
527537 qemuarm fedora40-ty-1 1717523794 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527541 qemuarm64 rocky9-ty-1 1717521075 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527545 qemuarmv5 debian12-ty-1 1717523597 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527546 qemumips opensuse154-ty-1 1717523620 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527550 qemumips64 opensuse154-ty-2 1717518308 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527552 qemuppc debian11-ty-1 1717516383 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527555 qemux86 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1717524582 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527428 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-04 10:06:12 Completed: 2024-06-04 18:06:20
527431 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1717510081 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527433 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1717510449 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527461 qemuarm alma9-ty-2 1717509091 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527465 qemuarm64 fedora39-ty-2 1717507863 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527468 qemuarmv5 debian11-ty-3 1717502215 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527469 qemumips opensuse154-ty-1 1717505584 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527472 qemumips64 ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717504199 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527474 qemuppc fedora40-ty-1 1717506495 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527477 qemux86 ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717502418 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527478 qemux86-64 alma9-ty-1 1717505712 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527482 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1717509991 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527483 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1717513974 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527491 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-2 1717511799 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
527496 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1717510947 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527283 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: rocky9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-03 21:06:37 Completed: 2024-06-04 09:06:39
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
527294 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1717474044 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
527295 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717473930 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
527308 meta-agl-core rocky9-ty-1 1717454418 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
527309 meta-arm opensuse154-ty-1 1717450471 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
527311 meta-clang opensuse154-ty-3 1717475413 (Warnings)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
527318 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1717481187 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
527320 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2004-arm-1 1717465581 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527325 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1717474207 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
527331 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717470437 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
527350 qemux86-64-ltp opensuse154-ty-2 1717463597 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
527153 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: fedora38-ty-6 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-03 16:06:52 Completed: 2024-06-03 21:06:24
527157 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1717450091 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
527159 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717450091 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
527172 meta-agl-core fedora39-ty-2 1717438268 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
527173 meta-arm opensuse154-ty-2 1717434135 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
527192 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1717450088 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
527223 oe-selftest-fedora fedora39-ty-2 1717450091 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
527224 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1717450091 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
527229 qemux86-64-ltp alma9-ty-2 1717446000 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
526561 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2304-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-01 21:06:08 Completed: 2024-06-02 03:06:28
526565 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1717285969 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526578 meta-agl-core ubuntu2004-ty-1 1717277272 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
526579 meta-arm debian11-ty-3 1717277230 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
526583 meta-virt opensuse154-ty-1 1717279013 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
526611 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1717295722 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526615 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717285875 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526616 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1717285846 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526618 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1717285944 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526555 oe-selftest-ubuntu
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-01 12:06:16 Completed: 2024-06-01 14:06:06
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526544 oe-selftest-fedora
Result: Failure Worker: fedora38-ty-6 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-01 05:06:59 Completed: 2024-06-01 08:06:33
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526417 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2304-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-31 21:05:12 Completed: 2024-06-01 16:06:19
526420 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717214975 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526422 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717212464 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526433 qemumips64-tc fedora40-ty-1 1717203903 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending AB-INT
526434 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1717254012 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526439 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-2 1717215060 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526440 meta-agl-core alma8-ty-1 1717196251 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
526441 meta-arm opensuse154-ty-2 1717193976 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
526445 meta-virt alma9-ty-1 1717205198 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
526471 oe-selftest-fedora fedora39-ty-2 1717213442 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
526091 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-05-31 10:05:52 Completed: 2024-05-31 17:05:11
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526097 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1717156180 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
526098 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2204-arm-1 1717160195 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
526103 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1717161430 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526116 meta-agl-core alma9-ty-2 1717150789 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
526117 meta-arm opensuse154-ty-2 1717151701 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
526121 meta-virt fedora39-ty-2 1717153615 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
526020 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: opensuse154-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-05-31 06:05:12 Completed: 2024-05-31 10:05:39
526023 poky-tiny opensuse154-ty-1 1717143848 (Failure)
Step "qemux86 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemux86 poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemux86-64 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemux86-64 poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm64 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm64 poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
526024 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1717150100 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
526030 oe-selftest-centos alma8-ty-1 1717150104 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
526043 meta-agl-core fedora39-ty-2 1717140405 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
526044 meta-arm alma9-ty-1 1717137854 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525564 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: rocky9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-30 06:05:19 Completed: 2024-05-31 22:05:20
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "Send QA Email": stdio Pending
525568 poky-tiny ubuntu2304-ty-1 1717060940 (Warnings)
Step "qemux86 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525570 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717071710 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525571 reproducible debian11-ty-3 1717071642 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525572 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1717070673 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525573 oe-selftest-fedora fedora39-ty-2 1717071789 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525574 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1717071038 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525575 beaglebone alma9-ty-1 1717087668 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525580 genericarm64 stream8-ty-1 1717075289 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525582 genericx86 ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717081413 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525583 genericx86-64 opensuse154-ty-2 1717070148 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525586 meta-agl-core opensuse154-ty-2 1717057368 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
525587 meta-arm fedora38-ty-6 1717052708 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525590 meta-intel alma8-ty-1 1717087087 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525591 meta-virt debian11-ty-1 1717061271 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525592 multilib alma8-ty-1 1717071840 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "mip64 n32: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525593 musl-qemux86 opensuse154-ty-1 1717088782 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525594 musl-qemux86-64 fedora39-ty-2 1717079009 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525595 no-x11 opensuse154-ty-1 1717084650 (Warnings)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Systemd weston: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525598 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717072586 (Failure)
Step "x86 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86 deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525599 qa-extras debian11-ty-1 1717060285 (Warnings)
Step "Readonly rootfs: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525601 qemuarm fedora39-ty-2 1717082334 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525603 qemuarm-oecore fedora40-ty-1 1717080266 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525605 qemuarm64 fedora38-ty-6 1717082932 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525608 qemuarmv5 debian11-ty-1 1717067017 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525609 qemumips alma9-ty-2 1717068007 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525612 qemumips64 opensuse154-ty-3 1717066803 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525613 qemux86-64 rocky9-ty-1 1717070041 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525614 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1717111499 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525615 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1717073881 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525616 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2204-arm-1 1717075846 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525618 qemuppc stream8-ty-1 1717063595 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525621 qemux86 debian12-ty-1 1717072418 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525622 qemux86-64-alt opensuse154-ty-1 1717075200 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525631 qemux86-world fedora38-ty-6 1717080577 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525633 qemux86-world-alt debian11-ty-1 1717089387 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
525635 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1717069129 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525454 qemux86-64
Result: Failure Worker: fedora39-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-05-29 19:05:33 Completed: 2024-05-29 20:05:10
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525286 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2304-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-29 10:05:00 Completed: 2024-05-30 03:05:23
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
525290 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716984024 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525294 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-3 1717001799 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake extra tests: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
525310 meta-agl-core alma8-ty-1 1716992151 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525311 meta-arm fedora40-ty-1 1716979986 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525315 meta-virt debian11-ty-1 1716987574 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525207 qemux86-64
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-05-28 21:05:17 Completed: 2024-05-28 23:05:44
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525147 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora40-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-28 18:05:22 Completed: 2024-05-29 09:05:33
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "Send QA Email": stdio Pending
525158 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1716967353 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525173 meta-agl-core fedora39-ty-2 1716938710 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525174 meta-arm stream8-ty-1 1716924372 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
525175 meta-aws stream8-ty-1 1716924719 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525177 meta-clang stream8-ty-1 1716935777 (Failure)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for qemux86-64: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525178 meta-virt alma9-ty-2 1716933350 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525181 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716928782 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525060 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: opensuse154-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-05-28 14:05:18 Completed: 2024-05-28 22:05:43
525072 oe-selftest-centos stream8-ty-1 1716934383 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
525073 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1716924798 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
525074 beaglebone ubuntu2304-ty-1 1716926745 (Failure)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525083 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1716936340 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
525084 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1716917371 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525094 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1716928630 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
525104 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1716925500 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
525110 meta-agl-core alma9-ty-1 1716910892 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525111 meta-arm alma8-ty-1 1716910430 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
525112 meta-aws alma8-ty-1 1716910800 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
525115 meta-virt alma9-ty-1 1716915752 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525123 qa-extras debian11-ty-1 1716914922 (Failure)
Step "Full eSDK type: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Prep locked-sigs test: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs image: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525126 qemuarm alma8-ty-1 1716932941 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525128 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu2004-ty-1 1716926375 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
525130 qemuarm64 opensuse154-ty-3 1716928562 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525133 qemuarmv5 debian12-ty-1 1716930085 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525134 qemumips alma8-ty-1 1716923620 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525136 qemumips64 alma9-ty-2 1716924735 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525137 qemuppc debian11-ty-1 1716920343 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525140 qemux86 alma9-ty-2 1716928801 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
525141 qemux86-64 opensuse154-ty-1 1716936339 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524933 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2304-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test status of master
Started: 2024-05-28 08:05:33 Completed: 2024-05-28 20:05:01
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524950 meta-agl-core fedora40-ty-1 1716890193 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524951 meta-arm ubuntu2004-ty-1 1716886587 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524952 meta-aws ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716887947 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
524955 meta-virt debian12-ty-1 1716894606 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524982 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716891448 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524865 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: alma9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-28 07:05:07 Completed: 2024-06-03 16:06:27
524883 meta-agl-core opensuse154-ty-2 1716880563 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524884 meta-arm rocky9-ty-1 1716880466 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524885 meta-aws debian12-ty-1 1716880612 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
524888 meta-virt opensuse154-ty-1 1716882247 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524892 no-x11 fedora40-ty-1 1716881853 (Failure)
Step "Systemd weston: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524899 qemuarm-alt opensuse154-ty-1 1716885608 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524903 qemuarm64-alt ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716883278 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524907 qemumips-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1716881146 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524912 qemuppc-alt ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716881088 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524914 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1716920360 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524920 qemux86-64-alt debian12-ty-1 1716881503 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524922 qemux86-64-ptest stream8-ty-1 1717432286 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
524925 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716881814 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524927 qemux86-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1716881852 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524732 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: opensuse154-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-27 21:05:23 Completed: 2024-05-28 07:05:23
524735 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1716869485 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524737 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-ty-1 1716869393 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524750 meta-agl-core fedora40-ty-1 1716851696 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524751 meta-arm debian12-ty-1 1716845255 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
524752 meta-aws debian12-ty-1 1716849348 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
524755 meta-virt alma8-ty-1 1716858344 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524757 musl-qemux86 stream8-ty-1 1716861196 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
524758 musl-qemux86-64 fedora39-ty-2 1716866597 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
524759 no-x11 alma9-ty-2 1716872981 (Failure)
Step "Systemd weston: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524766 qemuarm-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1716858220 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524770 qemuarm64-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1716858036 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524777 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1716869768 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524780 qemumips-alt alma9-ty-1 1716856730 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524785 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1716869419 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524786 qemuppc-alt alma8-ty-1 1716858572 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524790 qemux86-64-alt opensuse154-ty-1 1716860575 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524791 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716856643 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524795 qemux86-alt fedora40-ty-1 1716867090 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524676 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-27 18:05:12 Completed: 2024-05-27 21:05:12
524677 build-appliance ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716840550 (Failure)
Step "BA image build: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524679 poky-tiny ubuntu2304-ty-1 1716842791 (Failure)
Step "qemux86 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemux86 poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemux86-64 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemux86-64 poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm64 poky-tiny: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "qemuarm64 poky-tiny: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524680 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1716844737 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524681 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2204-arm-1 1716839906 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524683 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1716844739 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
524685 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1716844741 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
524686 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1716844739 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
524688 beaglebone-alt debian11-ty-3 1716844737 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524693 genericarm64-alt fedora40-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524694 genericx86 stream8-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524697 qemumips fedora39-ty-2 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524698 qemumips-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1716841798 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524699 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524701 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
524702 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716840852 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524703 meta-agl-core stream8-ty-1 1716841505 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524704 meta-arm alma9-ty-2 1716838549 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524705 meta-aws alma9-ty-2 1716838902 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
524706 meta-clang stream8-ty-1 1716844737 (Cancelled)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524707 meta-intel alma9-ty-2 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524708 meta-virt fedora38-ty-6 1716844734 (Cancelled)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524709 multilib opensuse154-ty-2 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32-img ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32-img ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32 rpm: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524710 musl-qemux86 alma9-ty-2 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524711 musl-qemux86-64 ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524712 no-x11 rocky9-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524715 pkgman-non-rpm alma8-ty-1 1716844737 (Cancelled)
Step "x86 ipk: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524716 qa-extras ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716842846 (Failure)
Step "Readonly rootfs: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Readonly rootfs: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Full eSDK type: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Prep locked-sigs test: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs image: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524717 qa-extras2 opensuse154-ty-3 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Test logrotate: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test logrotate: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test skeletoninit: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test skeletoninit: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524718 qemuarm stream8-ty-1 1716844737 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524719 qemuarm-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524720 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu2304-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524722 qemuarm64 debian12-ty-1 1716844734 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524723 qemuarm64-alt ubuntu2304-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524724 qemuarm64-tc fedora38-ty-6 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524725 qemuarmv5 ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524726 qemumips-tc opensuse154-ty-3 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524727 qemumips64 debian12-ty-1 1716844736 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
524403 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: stream8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-05-26 21:05:00 Completed: 2024-05-27 11:05:44
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524407 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1716761241 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524408 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1716779725 (Failure)
Step "Sources pre-fetching (arm specific): Add layer": stdio Pending
Step "Sources pre-fetching (arm specific): Remove la": stdio errors Pending
524414 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1716779913 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524427 meta-agl-core alma9-ty-1 1716772785 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524428 meta-arm fedora38-ty-6 1716758651 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
524429 meta-aws opensuse154-ty-2 1716758920 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
524432 meta-virt debian11-ty-1 1716765633 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
524533 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1716795633 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
524608 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1716835611 (Cancelled)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
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