Build Status Notes
535777 qemuarm-alt
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-07-04 10:07:20 Completed: 2024-07-04 10:07:46
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535703 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test SPDX patches (and more incomming)
Started: 2024-07-04 07:07:30 Completed: 2024-07-04 15:07:38
535749 qemuarm-alt alma9-ty-1 1720086194 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535764 qemuppc-alt debian11-ty-3 1720086963 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535635 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-07-04 06:07:20 Completed: 2024-07-04 12:07:10
535654 meta-arm fedora39-ty-2 1720087014 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535660 musl-qemux86 fedora39-ty-2 1720076317 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535661 musl-qemux86-64 stream8-ty-1 1720076054 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535668 qemuarm opensuse154-ty-2 1720080762 (Failure)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
535669 qemuarm-alt debian12-ty-1 1720079893 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535670 qemuarm-oecore opensuse154-ty-2 1720077760 (Failure)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
535672 qemuarm64 fedora38-ty-6 1720084212 (Failure)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
535677 qemumips-alt fedora40-ty-1 1720081402 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535682 qemuppc-alt opensuse154-ty-3 1720077209 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
535684 qemux86 alma9-ty-1 1720079643 (Failure)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
535685 qemux86-64 opensuse154-ty-3 1720079472 (Failure)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
535361 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-07-03 06:07:53 Completed: 2024-07-03 20:07:41
535390 meta-virt opensuse154-ty-1 1719998556 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
535425 qemux86-tc fedora39-ty-2 1720008259 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
535429 qemux86-world-alt alma9-ty-2 1720020009 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
535009 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian11-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-07-01 22:07:30 Completed: 2024-07-02 18:07:09
535028 meta-arm rocky9-ty-1 1719905893 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
535045 qemuarm-tc fedora40-ty-1 1719880080 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
535048 qemuarm64-tc rocky9-ty-1 1719890272 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
535057 qemuppc-tc debian11-ty-1 1719882261 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534863 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-07-01 07:07:56 Completed: 2024-07-01 13:07:06
534904 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1719827713 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534917 qemuppc opensuse154-ty-2 1719830320 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
534728 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-30 22:06:30 Completed: 2024-07-01 11:07:44
534731 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1719806952 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534733 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-ty-3 1719805091 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534776 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1719831952 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534782 oe-selftest-centos alma8-ty-1 1719804888 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534784 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1719805340 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534791 qemux86-tc rocky9-ty-1 1719806048 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534438 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-28 21:06:32 Completed: 2024-06-29 04:06:21
534441 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1719621883 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534442 reproducible opensuse154-ty-2 1719626629 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534443 oe-selftest-fedora fedora39-ty-2 1719621709 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534485 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1719626491 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534489 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-ty-1 1719623238 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534499 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1719624191 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534502 qemux86-tc fedora40-ty-1 1719631143 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534295 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: alma9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-28 09:06:48 Completed: 2024-06-28 12:06:22
534346 qemux86-64-tc opensuse154-ty-3 1719566183 (Failure)
Step "Clobber build dir": stdio Pending
534347 qemux86-tc opensuse154-ty-3 1719566187 (Failure)
Step "Clobber build dir": stdio Pending
534348 qemumips-tc opensuse154-ty-3 1719566198 (Failure)
Step "Clobber build dir": stdio Pending
534350 qemumips64-tc opensuse154-ty-3 1719566202 (Failure)
Step "Clobber build dir": stdio Pending
534353 qemuppc-tc opensuse154-ty-3 1719566226 (Failure)
Step "Clobber build dir": stdio Pending
534358 qemux86-world opensuse154-ty-3 1719566264 (Failure)
Step "Clobber build dir": stdio Pending
534161 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora39-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-27 21:06:50 Completed: 2024-06-28 21:06:48
534168 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1719609062 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534170 oe-selftest-centos stream8-ty-1 1719550466 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
534173 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1719551104 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534178 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1719550231 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534183 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1719552556 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534200 qemuarm alma9-ty-2 1719554276 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534205 qemuarm64 rocky9-ty-1 1719552659 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534208 qemuarmv5 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1719550971 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534219 qemux86-64 alma9-ty-2 1719555548 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534015 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-27 14:06:41 Completed: 2024-06-28 20:06:07
534052 qemuarm64 ubuntu2204-ty-3 1719520118 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534056 qemumips ubuntu2004-ty-1 1719520887 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534059 qemumips64 rocky9-ty-1 1719520621 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
534067 qemux86-64 debian11-ty-3 1719528629 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
533944 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-27 09:06:19 Completed: 2024-06-27 18:06:59
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
533951 reproducible fedora39-ty-2 1719490773 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
534013 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1719509542 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
533819 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: opensuse154-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-27 03:06:25 Completed: 2024-06-27 09:06:33
533828 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1719472966 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
533542 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-26 09:06:40 Completed: 2024-06-26 22:06:48
533546 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-ty-1 1719410353 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
532783 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora39-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-23 20:06:46 Completed: 2024-06-24 02:06:33
532787 reproducible opensuse154-ty-3 1719185615 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
532840 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-ty-1 1719184229 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
532423 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-21 23:06:49 Completed: 2024-06-22 13:06:24
532426 reproducible ubuntu2004-ty-1 1719013928 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
532446 musl-qemux86 fedora38-ty-6 1719034502 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
532447 musl-qemux86-64 fedora40-ty-1 1719034777 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
532448 no-x11 opensuse154-ty-1 1719036571 (Failure)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Systemd weston: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
532490 qemux86-world debian11-ty-3 1719029289 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
532491 qemux86-world-alt opensuse154-ty-2 1719038201 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
531827 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-20 06:06:36 Completed: 2024-06-20 20:06:14
531874 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1718903574 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
531689 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora40-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-19 16:06:24 Completed: 2024-06-19 23:06:08
531701 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1718822415 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
531349 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora39-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-18 16:06:03 Completed: 2024-06-18 22:06:31
531355 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1718743366 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
531372 meta-arm ubuntu2204-ty-3 1718736646 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
530940 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-17 16:06:40 Completed: 2024-06-17 23:06:46
530965 meta-arm fedora38-ty-6 1718645096 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
530978 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1718664201 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
530802 a-full
Result: Retry Worker: opensuse154-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-16 22:06:42 Completed: 2024-06-17 15:06:39
530827 meta-arm alma8-ty-1 1718596772 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
530838 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu2304-ty-1 1718607183 (Failure)
Step "x86 ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
530844 qemuarm-tc fedora40-ty-1 1718587596 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
530440 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-15 11:06:58 Completed: 2024-06-16 01:06:08
530458 meta-arm rocky9-ty-1 1718465684 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
530494 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1718470410 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
530495 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1718471015 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
529462 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-12 06:06:08 Completed: 2024-06-12 16:06:47
529484 meta-clang alma9-ty-2 1718195494 (Warnings)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending curl.lai
Step "Build for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending curl.lai
529177 a-full
Result: Retry Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-06-11 07:06:46 Completed: 2024-06-17 16:06:49
529199 meta-clang alma9-ty-1 1718108591 (Warnings)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending libhostname.lai in package curl-ptest contains reference to TMPDIR
Step "Build for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending libhostname.lai in package curl-ptest contains reference to TMPDIR
528909 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian11-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-06-10 17:06:45 Completed: 2024-06-11 01:06:47
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528913 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1718050505 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528924 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1718050947 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528925 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-ty-1 1718052878 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528930 meta-agl-core stream8-ty-1 1718042540 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
528931 meta-arm rocky9-ty-1 1718042462 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
528959 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1718051728 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
528968 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1718063712 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
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