Build Status Notes
85695 a-full
Result: None Worker: debian12-vk-8 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: test master-next
Started: 2025-02-19 17:02:04 Completed:
85702 meta-mingw ubuntu2004-vk-1 1739987692 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85616 a-full
Result: None Worker: fedora40-vk-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - test stable/kirkstone-nut
Started: 2025-02-19 15:02:08 Completed:
85626 reproducible fedora40-vk-2 1739983772 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
85459 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-vk-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: test master-next
Started: 2025-02-19 10:02:08 Completed: 2025-02-19 16:02:18
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
85466 meta-mingw ubuntu2404-vk-2 1739960507 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85522 qemux86-tc opensuse155-vk-2 1739966374 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
85389 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-vk-9 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-19 09:02:02 Completed: 2025-02-19 13:02:02
85397 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-vk-1 1739965647 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
85396 meta-mingw ubuntu2004-vk-3 1739959130 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85414 meta-arm alma9-vk-1 1739961732 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85416 meta-clang debian12-vk-5 1739960612 (Failure)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for qemux86-64: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85453 qemux86-tc debian12-vk-6 1739968203 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
85316 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: ubuntu2204-vk-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-19 08:02:06 Completed: 2025-02-19 09:02:06
85320 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-vk-arm2 1739958934 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
85324 oe-selftest-centos alma8-vk-1 1739958962 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85325 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-vk-4 1739958960 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85326 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-vk-2 1739958934 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio cancelled errors Pending
85327 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2404-vk-3 1739958943 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85328 oe-selftest-debian debian12-vk-2 1739958934 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
85331 beaglebone-alt opensuse156-vk-1 1739958055 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85338 genericarm64-alt debian11-vk-3 1739958288 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85341 genericx86-64-alt fedora39-vk-1 1739958392 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85342 genericx86-alt rocky9-vk-2 1739958404 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85343 meta-agl-core ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739956805 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85347 meta-virt debian12-vk-5 1739957783 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85359 qemuarm-alt ubuntu2404-vk-2 1739957938 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85363 qemuarm64-alt debian12-vk-3 1739957891 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85367 qemumips-alt debian12-vk-3 1739957732 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85372 qemuppc-alt fedora39-vk-1 1739958910 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85376 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu2404-vk-2 1739958093 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85381 qemux86-alt ubuntu2204-vk-1 1739958934 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
85384 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2004-vk-3 1739958935 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
85246 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: debian12-vk-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-19 08:02:10 Completed: 2025-02-19 09:02:51
85247 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-vk-arm1 1739958219 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
85251 oe-selftest-centos rocky8-vk-1 1739958226 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85252 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-vk-2 1739958226 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85253 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-vk-3 1739953595 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85254 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2410-vk-1 1739958225 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85255 oe-selftest-debian debian12-vk-5 1739958226 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
85258 beaglebone-alt rocky8-vk-1 1739954776 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85265 genericarm64-alt fedora40-vk-2 1739955233 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85268 genericx86-64-alt ubuntu2204-vk-4 1739954605 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85269 genericx86-alt debian12-vk-3 1739955478 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85270 meta-agl-core debian12-vk-9 1739953651 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85271 meta-arm debian11-vk-1 1739957197 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): Build target": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85273 meta-clang ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739957257 (Failure)
Step "Build for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for qemux86-64: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85275 meta-virt debian12-vk-3 1739953909 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85279 no-x11 debian11-vk-2 1739957508 (Failure)
Step "Systemd weston: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Systemd weston: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85285 qa-extras2 debian11-vk-1 1739956636 (Failure)
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Systemd: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Systemd: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85287 qemuarm-alt fedora40-vk-3 1739955706 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85291 qemuarm64-alt ubuntu2204-vk-4 1739955489 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85295 qemumips-alt fedora40-vk-3 1739954893 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85300 qemuppc-alt fedora40-vk-4 1739954825 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85304 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu2004-vk-1 1739956085 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85309 qemux86-alt debian12-vk-5 1739956594 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85310 qemux86-tc debian11-vk-2 1739958215 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings Pending
85312 qemux86-world-alt rocky9-vk-1 1739956661 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
85140 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: stream9-vk-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-19 01:02:00 Completed: 2025-02-19 04:02:16
85148 meta-mingw ubuntu2404-vk-1 1739927164 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85166 meta-arm ubuntu2204-vk-3 1739929329 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
85134 check-layer-nightly
Result: Failure Worker: fedora40-vk-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-19 00:02:00 Completed: 2025-02-19 01:02:32
Step "Test meta-oe YP Compatibility: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
85066 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2410-vk-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-18 23:02:59 Completed: 2025-02-19 02:02:36
85073 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-vk-4 1739922960 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84971 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse156-vk-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: test master-next
Started: 2025-02-18 17:02:04 Completed: 2025-02-18 21:02:42
84978 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-vk-2 1739900320 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84996 meta-arm ubuntu2204-vk-3 1739903321 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84894 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: rocky9-vk-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-18 15:02:59 Completed: 2025-02-18 18:02:32
84902 meta-mingw ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739893020 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84920 meta-arm opensuse156-vk-1 1739895286 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84961 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2410-vk-1 1739893615 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84684 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2404-vk-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-18 13:02:18 Completed: 2025-02-18 17:02:07
84691 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-vk-3 1739887104 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84750 qemux86-world-alt fedora40-vk-3 1739887766 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84540 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: debian12-vk-7 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-18 11:02:25 Completed: 2025-02-18 17:02:25
84548 meta-mingw ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739879947 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84566 meta-arm debian12-vk-5 1739888534 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84606 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2410-vk-1 1739884939 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84538 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: debian12-vk-8 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test networking changes (and gdb)
Started: 2025-02-18 10:02:44 Completed: 2025-02-18 13:02:05
84608 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-vk-arm2 1739886541 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
84609 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2204-vk-arm1 1739886537 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
84612 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-vk-2 1739885006 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84613 meta-mingw ubuntu2410-vk-1 1739879031 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84614 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-vk-2 1739886543 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
84615 oe-selftest-debian debian11-vk-3 1739884931 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84616 reproducible ubuntu2004-vk-3 1739883716 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
84617 beaglebone debian12-vk-4 1739880528 (Failure)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
84629 oe-selftest-fedora fedora41-vk-1 1739884605 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84638 musl-qemux86 opensuse155-vk-2 1739883183 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84639 musl-qemux86-64 opensuse155-vk-2 1739883189 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84640 no-x11 ubuntu2410-vk-1 1739882318 (Failure)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Systemd weston: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84645 qa-extras ubuntu2204-vk-1 1739880496 (Failure)
Step "Full eSDK type: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Prep locked-sigs test: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84648 qemuarm debian12-vk-9 1739883493 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84649 qemuppc-tc fedora39-vk-1 1739883312 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
84651 qemuarm-oecore fedora41-vk-1 1739883771 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84652 qemuarm-tc debian12-vk-9 1739882998 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
84653 qemuarm64 debian12-vk-2 1739882316 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84655 qemuarm64-tc rocky9-vk-3 1739886538 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
84656 qemuarmv5 ubuntu2404-vk-1 1739881004 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84657 qemumips ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739881116 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84659 qemumips-tc debian12-vk-2 1739883127 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
84660 qemumips64 debian11-vk-1 1739881022 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84661 qemumips64-tc rocky9-vk-2 1739883961 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
84662 qemuppc rocky9-vk-1 1739882319 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84664 qemux86 debian12-vk-7 1739883133 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84665 qemux86-64 alma9-vk-2 1739883972 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84669 qemux86-64-tc ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739886537 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
84672 qemux86-tc debian12-vk-4 1739886538 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
84673 qemux86-world debian12-vk-1 1739884899 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84674 qemux86-world-alt alma9-vk-2 1739885540 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84467 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: debian12-vk-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-18 10:02:52 Completed: 2025-02-18 13:02:39
84468 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-vk-arm1 1739886514 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors Pending
84472 oe-selftest-centos alma8-vk-2 1739886053 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84473 oe-selftest-fedora fedora39-vk-1 1739885298 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84474 meta-mingw ubuntu2004-vk-1 1739878343 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84475 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-vk-1 1739885023 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84476 oe-selftest-debian debian12-vk-2 1739883908 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84533 qemux86-world-alt fedora39-vk-2 1739886517 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors Pending
84390 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: ubuntu2204-vk-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: test master-next
Started: 2025-02-18 08:02:15 Completed: 2025-02-18 11:02:18
84391 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2404-vk-arm2 1739876476 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Pending
84395 oe-selftest-centos rocky8-vk-1 1739876106 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84396 oe-selftest-fedora fedora40-vk-2 1739875770 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84397 meta-mingw ubuntu2004-vk-2 1739869059 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
84398 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-vk-3 1739875783 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84399 oe-selftest-debian debian12-vk-3 1739875816 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
84455 qemux86-world-alt debian12-vk-2 1739874432 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
84283 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora40-vk-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-18 01:02:00 Completed: 2025-02-18 04:02:27
84297 build-appliance debian12-vk-4 1739841663 (Failure)
Step "Universe fetch: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
84203 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-vk-9 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-17 22:02:27 Completed: 2025-02-18 04:02:00
84210 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-vk-4 1739833400 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
83871 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-vk-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: mathieu Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-17 09:02:42 Completed: 2025-02-17 15:02:17
83880 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-vk-1 1739790231 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
82566 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-vk-9 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-13 20:02:18 Completed: 2025-02-14 02:02:12
82574 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-vk-1 1739489372 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
79664 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-vk-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-08 13:02:32 Completed: 2025-02-09 00:02:32
79687 meta-arm ubuntu2204-vk-2 1739027141 (Failure)
Step "Build for sbsa-ref (poky-altcfg): QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
78645 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: alma8-vk-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-07 08:02:17 Completed: 2025-02-07 10:02:29
78711 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu2204-vk-arm1 1738921458 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Pending
77803 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-vk-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2025-02-06 01:02:00 Completed: 2025-02-06 05:02:08
77847 qemumips ubuntu2404-vk-2 1738808364 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
68115 pkgman-non-rpm
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-vk-8 SWAT?: True
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - bisect 1
Started: 2025-01-18 15:01:17 Completed: 2025-01-18 16:01:21
Step "arm ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm rpm (for CDN): Build targets": stdio errors Pending
65855 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-vk-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: halstead Reason: None
Started: 2025-01-14 23:01:06 Completed: 2025-01-15 06:01:11
Step "Send QA Email": stdio Pending
65861 meta-mingw ubuntu2404-vk-3 1736899176 (Failure)
Step "Unpack shared repositories": stdio Pending
65867 check-layer debian12-vk-7 1736899181 (Failure)
Step "Unpack shared repositories": stdio Pending
65876 meta-agl-core debian11-vk-1 1736899255 (Failure)
Step "Add layers": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Remove layers": stdio errors Pending
65878 meta-aws debian12-vk-2 1736899265 (Failure)
Step "Add layers": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Remove layers": stdio errors Pending
Step "Add layers_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "Remove layers_1": stdio errors Pending
65881 meta-virt alma8-vk-1 1736899310 (Failure)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
65889 qa-extras fedora41-vk-1 1736902887 (Failure)
Step "Readonly rootfs: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Readonly rootfs: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Full eSDK type: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Prep locked-sigs test: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs image: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Page 1 of 15 next last »