Build Status Notes
481914 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest incomming patches
Started: 2024-01-10 17:01:27 Completed: 2024-01-11 13:01:55
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
481917 reproducible rocky9-ty-1 1704932323 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
481918 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-ty-1 1704927196 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
481931 meta-arm debian11-ty-1 1704936694 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
481969 qemux86-64-tc alma9-ty-2 1704934663 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
481977 qemux86-world-alt stream8-ty-1 1704955556 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
481441 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-01-09 07:01:49 Completed: 2024-01-09 14:01:19
481502 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-4 1704795467 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
481312 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-01-08 23:01:48 Completed: 2024-01-09 06:01:51
481335 meta-arm alma8-ty-1 1704760502 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
481347 qa-extras2 fedora38-ty-2 1704758666 (Warnings)
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
480932 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-01-06 21:01:43 Completed: 2024-01-07 08:01:25
480937 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1704594064 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending fitimage.FitImageTests.test_initramfs_bundle
480732 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora38-ty-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-01-05 23:01:11 Completed: 2024-01-06 06:01:27
480782 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1704506316 (Failure)
Step "Sources pre-fetching (arm specific): Add layer": stdio errors Pending
Step "Sources pre-fetching (arm specific): Remove la": stdio errors Pending
480391 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-01-05 09:01:02 Completed: 2024-01-05 21:01:55
480395 reproducible opensuse154-ty-2 1704480792 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
480443 qemux86-64-tc opensuse154-ty-1 1704456813 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending AB-INT
479391 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2024-01-02 18:01:48 Completed: 2024-01-03 10:01:25
479399 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1704240106 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending fitimage.FitImageTests.test_fit_image
479324 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest deferred inherit
Started: 2024-01-02 17:01:14 Completed: 2024-01-02 17:01:17
Step "Prepare shared repositories": stdio Pending
479251 oe-selftest-fedora
Result: Failure Worker: fedora38-ty-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-01-02 14:01:08 Completed: 2024-01-02 16:01:58
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
479120 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian12-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest deferred inherit
Started: 2024-01-02 09:01:29 Completed: 2024-01-02 15:01:53
479124 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1704188317 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings Pending
479128 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1704195563 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
479130 oe-selftest-centos rocky9-ty-1 1704196010 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
479132 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1704196082 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
479131 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-2 1704195200 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
479142 meta-agl-core alma8-ty-1 1704187393 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
479143 meta-arm debian11-ty-1 1704193339 (Warnings)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for generic-arm64 (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for generic-arm64 (poky-altcfg): Build t": stdio warnings Pending
479144 meta-aws fedora38-ty-3 1704187460 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings Pending
479146 meta-virt alma9-ty-1 1704187939 (Warnings)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
479147 multilib debian12-ty-1 1704189681 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
479184 wic stream8-ty-1 1704188958 (Failure)
Step "qemux86 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "genericx86 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "qemux86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "genericx86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
478728 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora38-ty-6 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2024-01-01 00:01:07 Completed: 2024-01-01 07:01:39
478732 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-2 1704078127 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
478733 beaglebone fedora38-ty-6 1704073349 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478739 genericx86 fedora38-ty-6 1704073273 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478740 genericx86-64 debian11-ty-1 1704073676 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478743 meta-agl-core fedora38-ty-4 1704069348 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
478744 meta-arm fedora38-ty-4 1704077453 (Failure)
Step "Build for fvp-base: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for fvp-base: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for generic-arm64 (poky): Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for generic-arm64 (poky): QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build for generic-arm64 (poky-altcfg): Build t": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build for generic-arm64 (poky-altcfg): QA targ": stdio errors Pending
478745 meta-aws alma9-ty-2 1704069269 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings Pending
478746 meta-intel fedora38-ty-2 1704075049 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478747 meta-virt opensuse154-ty-1 1704070786 (Warnings)
Step "Xen for qemux86-64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm64: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Xen for qemuarm: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
478748 multilib opensuse154-ty-2 1704071990 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "mip64 n32: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478754 pkgman-non-rpm opensuse154-ty-3 1704079895 (Failure)
Step "x86 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86 deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478757 qemuarm opensuse154-ty-2 1704074121 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
478759 qemuarm-oecore alma9-ty-2 1704072909 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
478761 qemuarm64 debian12-ty-1 1704074162 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
478764 qemuarmv5 fedora38-ty-4 1704073885 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478765 qemumips rocky9-ty-1 1704071915 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478768 qemumips64 rocky9-ty-1 1704072111 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478770 qemuppc ubuntu2204-ty-3 1704071631 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478773 qemux86 stream8-ty-1 1704073039 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
478774 qemux86-64 alma9-ty-1 1704073846 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
478782 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1704091343 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
478783 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1704073812 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478787 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-4 1704077249 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
478789 wic alma9-ty-1 1704071945 (Warnings)
Step "qemux86 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "genericx86 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "qemux86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "genericx86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
478790 meta-mingw ubuntu2204-ty-3 1704070614 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
478792 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-ty-3 1704078671 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
476506 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test small patch queue
Started: 2023-12-23 11:12:10 Completed: 2023-12-24 05:12:12
Step "Send QA Email": stdio Pending
476512 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1703350998 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
476534 pkgman-non-rpm fedora38-ty-6 1703348809 (Failure)
Step "arm ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
476312 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2023-12-22 22:12:27 Completed: 2023-12-23 01:12:20
476375 qemux86-world-alt opensuse154-ty-2 1703285361 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
475378 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test master-next patch queue
Started: 2023-12-20 23:12:08 Completed: 2023-12-21 13:12:26
475379 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1703154042 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
475384 oe-selftest-centos stream8-ty-1 1703134087 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
475386 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-2 1703134147 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
475390 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2304-ty-1 1703165507 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
475430 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1703138743 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
474510 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian11-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test patch queue
Started: 2023-12-18 20:12:58 Completed: 2023-12-19 12:12:02
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
474518 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1702950800 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
474520 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1702955236 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
474521 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1702953409 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
474522 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1702953775 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
474553 qemuarmv5 debian11-ty-3 1702945250 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Pending
474567 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1702985956 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
474373 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Build 5.0 M1 rc3
Started: 2023-12-18 09:12:06 Completed: 2023-12-18 14:12:17
474428 qemux86-tc rocky9-ty-1 1702901286 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
473744 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2204-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2023-12-16 07:12:31 Completed: 2023-12-16 18:12:56
473748 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1702731572 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
473803 oe-selftest-debian debian11-ty-1 1702729270 (Failure)
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
473808 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1702730111 (Failure)
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Pending
467165 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse154-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - test stable/kirkstone-nut with no worker exclusions
Started: 2023-11-28 18:11:14 Completed: 2023-11-29 00:11:53
467170 oe-selftest-centos alma8-ty-1 1701202014 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
466717 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2304-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test eventlog fix
Started: 2023-11-27 18:11:33 Completed: 2023-11-28 03:11:12
466726 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1701126074 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465826 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: rocky9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test master-next patch queue
Started: 2023-11-23 17:11:09 Completed: 2023-11-24 08:11:55
Step "Source Mirror Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465830 oe-selftest-centos stream8-ty-1 1700782256 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465831 oe-selftest-fedora fedora38-ty-6 1700782441 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465873 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2204-arm-1 1700811843 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465882 oe-selftest-debian debian12-ty-1 1700781287 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465884 qemux86-64-x32 alma9-ty-2 1700772594 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio Pending
Step "Cleaning up build directory": stdio Pending
465885 qemux86-alt alma9-ty-2 1700772595 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio Pending
Step "Cleaning up build directory": stdio Pending
465886 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-ty-3 1700779537 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
465887 qemux86-tc alma9-ty-2 1700772599 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio Pending
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Remove layers": stdio Pending
Step "Cleaning up build directory": stdio Pending
465285 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2023-11-22 08:11:59 Completed: 2023-11-22 18:11:00
465313 multilib opensuse154-ty-2 1700648644 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
465336 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1700678732 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
463548 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2023-11-17 16:11:51 Completed: 2023-11-18 10:11:35
463572 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2204-ty-3 1700259266 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
463611 qemux86-tc opensuse154-ty-2 1700257754 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
462678 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: fedora38-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2023-11-15 00:11:51 Completed: 2023-11-15 08:11:06
462686 build-appliance stream8-ty-1 1700009618 (Warnings)
Step "Universe fetch: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
462687 check-layer ubuntu2204-ty-3 1700008318 (Failure)
Step "Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
Step "Run cmds_1": stdio errors Pending
462699 multilib debian11-ty-1 1700011371 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
462709 qemuarm-oecore fedora38-ty-3 1700008926 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
462729 qemux86-64-x32 fedora38-ty-5 1700008932 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Pending
462736 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1700014913 (Warnings)
Step "Sources pre-fetching (arm specific): Build tar": stdio warnings Pending
458856 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: alma9-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test master-next patches
Started: 2023-11-06 18:11:19 Completed: 2023-11-07 12:11:08
458866 oe-selftest-centos alma9-ty-1 1699320846 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
458884 musl-qemux86 opensuse154-ty-2 1699325700 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
458885 musl-qemux86-64 rocky9-ty-1 1699320177 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
458886 no-x11 opensuse154-ty-2 1699318745 (Warnings)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
Step "Systemd weston: Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
458888 pkgman-non-rpm alma9-ty-2 1699313083 (Failure)
Step "arm ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
458915 qemux86-world fedora37-ty-1 1699338163 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
458916 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2304-ty-1 1699357048 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Pending
458918 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1699359641 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
458657 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test selftest fix
Started: 2023-11-05 14:11:22 Completed: 2023-11-05 22:11:48
458681 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu2204-ty-3 1699202015 (Failure)
Step "arm ipk: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "arm deb: QA targets": stdio errors Pending
458707 qemux86-tc fedora37-ty-1 1699204061 (Failure)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Pending
458711 oe-selftest-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1699222189 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Pending
458712 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1699202094 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors Pending
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Pending
« first previous Page 14 of 15 next last »