Build Status Notes
161541 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 15:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 18:01:57
161487 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian10-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test binutils upgrade
Started: 2021-01-30 11:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 21:01:18
161488 build-appliance tumbleweed-ty-3 1612009825 (Failure)
Step "BA image build: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161489 buildtools ubuntu1804-ty-3 1612009568 (Failure)
Step "x86_64 tools: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "aarch64 tools: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161490 poky-tiny fedora33-ty-1 1612007213 (Success)
161491 beaglebone tumbleweed-ty-3 1612015555 (Success)
161492 check-layer ubuntu1804-ty-3 1612006765 (Success)
161493 edgerouter tumbleweed-ty-1 1612014650 (Success)
161494 genericx86 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1612014369 (Success)
161495 genericx86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1612013388 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161496 mpc8315e-rdb centos8-ty-2 1612006481 (Skipped)
161497 multilib ubuntu2004-ty-1 1612022369 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32-img ipk: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32-img ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32 rpm: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32 rpm: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161498 musl-qemux86 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1612014625 (Success)
161499 musl-qemux86-64 debian10-ty-1 1612015173 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161500 no-x11 tumbleweed-ty-3 1612014459 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161501 pkgman-deb-non-deb opensuse152-ty-1 1612012652 (Success)
161502 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-3 1612014512 (Success)
161503 qa-extras ubuntu1604-ty-1 1612011233 (Failure)
Step "Readonly rootfs: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Readonly rootfs: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Full eSDK type: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Prep locked-sigs test: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Test locked-sigs image: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161504 qa-extras2 debian8-ty-1 1612014361 (Failure)
Step "Test logrotate: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Test logrotate: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Test skeletoninit: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Test skeletoninit: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Systemd: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Systemd: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Mesa gallium-llvm: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Mesa gallium-llvm: QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161505 qemuarm ubuntu1804-ty-3 1612017783 (Success)
161506 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu1604-ty-1 1612016689 (Success)
161507 qemuarm64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1612020582 (Failure)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161508 qemumips debian10-ty-1 1612022419 (Success)
161509 qemuppc debian10-ty-3 1612022289 (Success)
161510 qemux86 fedora33-ty-1 1612022945 (Success)
161511 qemux86-64 fedora33-ty-1 1612012579 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161512 qemux86-64-x32 debian10-ty-3 1612013154 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161513 qemux86-world centos7-ty-4 1612042327 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161514 wic debian9-ty-2 1612013707 (Failure)
Step "qemux86 wic: Build targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "qemux86 wic: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "genericx86 wic: Build targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "qemux86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "qemux86-64 wic: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "genericx86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "genericx86-64 wic: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161515 beaglebone-alt fedora31-ty-1 1612018426 (Success)
161516 edgerouter-alt centos8-ty-2 1612015647 (Success)
161517 genericx86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1612014418 (Success)
161518 genericx86-alt centos8-ty-2 1612016072 (Success)
161519 meta-arm debian10-ty-2 1612018321 (Success)
161520 meta-intel debian9-ty-2 1612013508 (Success)
161521 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-1 1612015029 (Success)
161522 mpc8315e-rdb-alt debian8-ty-1 1612006510 (Skipped)
161523 non-gpl3 debian10-ty-2 1612014686 (Success)
161524 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1612016628 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161525 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-2 1612016399 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161526 oe-selftest-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1612019744 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161527 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1612017437 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161528 pkgman-non-rpm opensuse152-ty-1 1612013663 (Success)
161529 qemuarm-alt centos8-ty-1 1612013948 (Success)
161530 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1612017495 (Success)
161531 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2004-arm-1 1612023795 (Success)
161532 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1612028656 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161533 qemumips-alt opensuse151-ty-1 1612015795 (Success)
161534 qemumips64 centos8-ty-1 1612019196 (Success)
161535 qemuppc-alt opensuse151-ty-1 1612014692 (Success)
161536 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu1804-ty-1 1612015539 (Success)
161537 qemux86-64-ltp ubuntu2004-ty-2 1612015226 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161538 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu1804-ty-1 1612014657 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Mail Sent RP emailed khem regarding kernel and install issues with new binutils
161539 qemux86-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1612017397 (Success)
161540 qemux86-world-alt opensuse151-ty-1 1612026294 (Success)
161486 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 09:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 12:01:35
161485 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 09:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 12:01:14
161484 meta-oe
Result: Failure Worker: tumbleweed-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 07:01:49 Completed: 2021-01-30 08:01:44
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) meta-oe autoconf update issue
161483 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 03:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 06:01:25
161482 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 03:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 06:01:49
161440 a-quick
Result: Failure Worker: debian9-ty-2 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-30 01:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-31 02:01:02
161441 beaglebone opensuse151-ty-1 1611980961 (Success)
161442 musl-qemux86 debian8-ty-1 1611983243 (Success)
161443 build-appliance centos8-ty-2 1611979197 (Success)
161444 buildtools tumbleweed-ty-1 1611974996 (Success)
161445 check-layer opensuse151-ty-1 1611969642 (Success)
161446 genericx86-64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1611977405 (Success)
161447 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611972712 (Success)
161448 mpc8315e-rdb opensuse151-ty-1 1611969469 (Skipped)
161449 no-x11 debian8-ty-1 1611981272 (Success)
161450 non-gpl3 debian10-ty-1 1611971374 (Success)
161451 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611978009 (Success)
161452 poky-tiny centos8-ty-1 1611970114 (Success)
161453 qa-extras ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611976036 (Success)
161454 qa-extras2 debian10-ty-1 1611990645 (Success)
161455 qemuarm-alt fedora33-ty-1 1611981710 (Success)
161456 qemuarm64-ptest-fast ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611981721 (Success)
161457 qemumips64 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611983811 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Bug Opened Added to bug 14029
161458 qemux86-64 ubuntu1804-ty-1 1611984490 (Success)
161460 qemux86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-1 1611981547 (Success)
161461 beaglebone-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611976774 (Success)
161462 edgerouter fedora31-ty-1 1611982493 (Success)
161463 genericx86 fedora33-ty-1 1611979949 (Success)
161464 genericx86-64-alt fedora33-ty-1 1611979701 (Success)
161465 genericx86-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1611981424 (Success)
161466 qemuarm-oecore opensuse151-ty-1 1611979533 (Success)
161467 multilib opensuse151-ty-1 1611985919 (Success)
161468 musl-qemux86-64 centos8-ty-1 1611979996 (Success)
161469 oe-selftest centos7-ty-4 1612058366 (Success)
161470 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-3 1611975924 (Success)
161471 qemuarm centos7-ty-4 1612016376 (Success)
161472 qemuarm64 fedora31-ty-1 1611988435 (Success)
161473 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-1 1611978773 (Success)
161474 qemumips ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611987759 (Success)
161475 qemuppc debian10-ty-2 1611982755 (Success)
161476 qemux86 debian10-ty-2 1611982009 (Success)
161477 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611979057 (Success)
161478 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611982293 (Success)
161479 qemux86-64-x32 debian9-ty-2 1611976858 (Success)
161480 qemux86-world fedora32-ty-1 1612018650 (Success)
161481 wic ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611980713 (Success)
161439 meta-oe
Result: Failure Worker: tumbleweed-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 23:01:52 Completed: 2021-01-30 06:01:33
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) meta-oe autoconf update issue
161438 meta-mingw
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest with mingw master-next
Started: 2021-01-29 22:01:41 Completed: 2021-01-29 23:01:36
161437 non-gpl3
Result: Success Worker: opensuse151-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest with gplv2 master-next
Started: 2021-01-29 22:01:12 Completed: 2021-01-29 23:01:48
161383 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test new patches in master-next
Started: 2021-01-29 21:01:17 Completed: 2021-01-30 18:01:54
161384 buildtools centos8-ty-1 1611961223 (Success)
161385 poky-tiny centos8-ty-2 1611961936 (Success)
161386 beaglebone centos7-ty-4 1612006335 (Success)
161387 build-appliance centos7-ty-4 1611970336 (Success)
161388 check-layer debian8-ty-1 1611957001 (Success)
161389 edgerouter fedora33-ty-1 1611969183 (Success)
161390 genericx86 debian8-ty-1 1611968006 (Success)
161391 genericx86-64 opensuse151-ty-1 1611967072 (Success)
161392 multilib centos8-ty-2 1611991431 (Success)
161393 musl-qemux86 opensuse152-ty-1 1611977995 (Success)
161394 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1611970843 (Success)
161395 no-x11 debian9-ty-2 1611973142 (Success)
161396 pkgman-deb-non-deb centos7-ty-4 1611970931 (Success)
161397 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-1 1611969282 (Success)
161398 qemuarm debian9-ty-2 1611981906 (Success)
161399 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611978622 (Success)
161400 qemuarm64 centos8-ty-1 1611976735 (Success)
161401 qemumips debian10-ty-3 1611990233 (Success)
161402 qemuppc opensuse152-ty-1 1611984464 (Success)
161403 qemux86 centos8-ty-1 1611978233 (Success)
161404 qemux86-64-x32 debian9-ty-2 1611963714 (Success)
161405 qemux86-world debian10-ty-3 1611994898 (Success)
161406 wic debian10-ty-2 1611972485 (Success)
161407 beaglebone-alt fedora33-ty-1 1611968947 (Success)
161408 edgerouter-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611967541 (Success)
161409 genericx86-64-alt debian10-ty-2 1611971723 (Success)
161410 genericx86-alt fedora33-ty-1 1611968946 (Success)
161411 meta-arm debian10-ty-3 1611975534 (Success)
161412 meta-intel debian10-ty-2 1611975556 (Success)
161413 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611961737 (Success)
161414 mpc8315e-rdb debian10-ty-1 1611956815 (Skipped)
161415 mpc8315e-rdb-alt fedora31-ty-1 1611956817 (Skipped)
161416 non-gpl3 tumbleweed-ty-1 1611959655 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) Misconfigured build
161417 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1611990014 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Replied on mailing list to bitbake mc changes
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Bug Opened Added part 14201, other part replied on mailing list
161418 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-1 1611990451 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Replied on mailing list to bitbake mc changes
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Replied on mailing list to bitbake mc changes
161419 oe-selftest-fedora fedora32-ty-1 1612019500 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Same issue as centos, so RP's email should cover it
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Same issue as centos, so RP's email should cover it
161420 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611987511 (Failure)
Step "Bitbake Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Replied on mailing list to bitbake mc changes
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Mail Sent Replied on mailing list to bitbake mc changes
161421 pkgman-non-rpm tumbleweed-ty-1 1611965514 (Success)
161422 qa-extras ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611963125 (Success)
161423 qa-extras2 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611974184 (Success)
161424 qemuarm-alt fedora32-ty-1 1611973235 (Success)
161425 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611973067 (Success)
161426 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611982482 (Success)
161427 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu2004-arm-1 1611980536 (Success)
161428 qemumips-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611974169 (Success)
161429 qemumips64 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611981994 (Success)
161430 qemuppc-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1611978562 (Success)
161431 qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1611983116 (Success)
161432 qemux86-64-alt fedora31-ty-1 1611971176 (Success)
161433 qemux86-64-ltp fedora31-ty-1 1611975466 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Bug Opened Updated existing bug 14181 with this occurrence
161434 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611978554 (Success)
161435 qemux86-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611971682 (Success)
161436 qemux86-world-alt fedora32-ty-1 1612030988 (Success)
161381 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 21:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 00:01:04
161382 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 21:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-30 00:01:16
161380 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 15:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 18:01:43
161379 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 15:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 18:01:41
161325 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: tumbleweed-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Cleaned up autoconf series with fixes for gplv2 and mingw plus new patches for testing
Started: 2021-01-29 10:01:38 Completed: 2021-01-29 22:01:48
161326 buildtools ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611924133 (Success)
161327 poky-tiny fedora32-ty-1 1611918244 (Success)
161328 build-appliance ubuntu1804-ty-2 1611948049 (Success)
161329 check-layer fedora33-ty-1 1611917219 (Success)
161330 edgerouter opensuse152-ty-1 1611927391 (Success)
161331 genericx86 debian10-ty-1 1611923215 (Success)
161332 genericx86-64 centos8-ty-2 1611928215 (Success)
161333 multilib debian10-ty-3 1611939745 (Success)
161334 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1611925907 (Success)
161335 no-x11 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611928935 (Success)
161336 pkgman-deb-non-deb opensuse152-ty-1 1611925901 (Success)
161337 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-2 1611928149 (Success)
161338 qemuarm fedora33-ty-1 1611930885 (Success)
161339 qemuarm-oecore centos8-ty-1 1611936039 (Success)
161340 qemuarm64 fedora33-ty-1 1611931426 (Success)
161341 qemumips ubuntu1804-ty-2 1611959842 (Success)
161342 qemuppc debian9-ty-2 1611932187 (Success)
161343 qemux86 debian8-ty-1 1611940029 (Success)
161344 qemux86-64-x32 ubuntu1804-ty-1 1611921380 (Success)
161345 qemux86-world ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611935341 (Success)
161346 wic ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611923821 (Success)
161347 beaglebone tumbleweed-ty-1 1611926928 (Success)
161348 beaglebone-alt opensuse151-ty-1 1611924711 (Success)
161349 edgerouter-alt centos7-ty-4 1611927214 (Success)
161350 genericx86-64-alt debian8-ty-1 1611930939 (Success)
161351 genericx86-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1611922610 (Success)
161352 meta-arm tumbleweed-ty-3 1611925085 (Success)
161353 meta-intel centos8-ty-2 1611928099 (Success)
161354 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-1 1611922329 (Success)
161355 mpc8315e-rdb ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611917037 (Skipped)
161356 mpc8315e-rdb-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611917043 (Skipped)
161357 musl-qemux86 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611928929 (Success)
161358 non-gpl3 debian10-ty-1 1611918869 (Success)
161359 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-1 1611943904 (Success)
161360 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-2 1611941605 (Success)
161361 oe-selftest-fedora fedora32-ty-1 1611944009 (Success)
161362 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611949208 (Success)
161363 pkgman-non-rpm debian10-ty-1 1611923716 (Success)
161364 qa-extras centos8-ty-2 1611926890 (Success)
161365 qa-extras2 debian8-ty-1 1611934894 (Success)
161366 qemuarm-alt fedora32-ty-1 1611931200 (Success)
161367 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611928945 (Success)
161368 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2004-arm-1 1611937568 (Success)
161369 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611940113 (Success)
161370 qemumips-alt debian10-ty-3 1611935244 (Success)
161371 qemumips64 fedora31-ty-1 1611940533 (Success)
161372 qemuppc-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1611929786 (Success)
161373 qemux86-64 centos7-ty-4 1611938431 (Success)
161374 qemux86-64-alt debian10-ty-3 1611931230 (Success)
161375 qemux86-64-ltp ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611932899 (Success)
161376 qemux86-64-ptest centos8-ty-1 1611941376 (Success)
161377 qemux86-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611927411 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Bug Opened Added to bug 14181
161378 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611947388 (Success)
161324 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 09:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 12:01:49
161323 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 09:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 12:01:41
161322 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 03:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 06:01:30
161321 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 03:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 06:01:20
161278 a-quick
Result: Success Worker: debian8-ty-1 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-29 01:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 09:01:44
161280 beaglebone ubuntu1804-ty-1 1611901599 (Success)
161281 musl-qemux86 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1611912517 (Success)
161282 build-appliance centos8-ty-1 1611888999 (Success)
161284 check-layer ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611883185 (Success)
161283 buildtools tumbleweed-ty-3 1611886575 (Success)
161285 genericx86-64 centos8-ty-2 1611896469 (Success)
161286 mpc8315e-rdb centos8-ty-1 1611882910 (Skipped)
161288 non-gpl3 fedora33-ty-1 1611886450 (Success)
161287 no-x11 fedora31-ty-1 1611906520 (Success)
161289 pkgman-non-rpm fedora32-ty-1 1611893993 (Success)
161290 poky-tiny tumbleweed-ty-1 1611884291 (Success)
161291 qa-extras centos8-ty-2 1611893718 (Success)
161292 qemuarm64-ptest-fast ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611897739 (Success)
161293 qemux86-world centos8-ty-1 1611906394 (Success)
161294 beaglebone-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611892615 (Success)
161295 edgerouter fedora31-ty-1 1611906260 (Success)
161296 genericx86 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611896102 (Success)
161297 genericx86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1611891014 (Success)
161298 genericx86-alt debian10-ty-2 1611897752 (Success)
161299 multilib fedora33-ty-1 1611911809 (Success)
161300 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1611894949 (Success)
161301 oe-selftest debian10-ty-2 1611912746 (Success)
161302 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611888719 (Success)
161303 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-1 1611888508 (Success)
161304 qa-extras2 opensuse151-ty-1 1611896377 (Success)
161305 qemuarm ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611898827 (Success)
161306 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611898474 (Success)
161307 qemuarm-alt centos8-ty-1 1611894983 (Success)
161308 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611895817 (Success)
161309 qemuarm64 fedora33-ty-1 1611908464 (Success)
161310 qemumips tumbleweed-ty-3 1611897558 (Success)
161311 qemumips64 opensuse152-ty-1 1611902973 (Success)
161312 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611903598 (Success)
161313 qemuppc debian9-ty-2 1611902139 (Success)
161314 qemux86 fedora32-ty-1 1611896839 (Success)
161315 qemux86-64 fedora31-ty-1 1611908668 (Success)
161316 qemux86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1611891034 (Success)
161318 qemux86-64-x32 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1611894876 (Success)
161319 qemux86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611904062 (Success)
161320 wic centos8-ty-1 1611893256 (Success)
161277 oe-selftest-centos
Result: Failure Worker: centos7-ty-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: sgw Reason: Saul Testing QMP
Started: 2021-01-29 00:01:54 Completed: 2021-01-29 09:01:51
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) qmp issue, handled by sgw
161224 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest autoconf 2.70 with fixes, add pseudo rename fix. RP to handle autoconf 2.70 issues
Started: 2021-01-28 22:01:16 Completed: 2021-01-29 19:01:01
161225 buildtools ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611877242 (Success)
161226 poky-tiny centos7-ty-4 1611880313 (Success)
161227 build-appliance opensuse151-ty-1 1611879588 (Success)
161228 check-layer centos8-ty-2 1611874363 (Success)
161229 edgerouter debian9-ty-2 1611888112 (Success)
161230 genericx86 tumbleweed-ty-1 1611881610 (Success)
161231 genericx86-64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1611882591 (Success)
161232 multilib ubuntu1804-ty-1 1611900346 (Success)
161233 musl-qemux86-64 debian10-ty-1 1611890657 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161234 no-x11 opensuse151-ty-1 1611884943 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161235 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-1 1611879065 (Success)
161237 qemuarm debian9-ty-2 1611895585 (Success)
161236 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-1 1611889580 (Success)
161238 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu1604-ty-1 1611886007 (Success)
161239 qemuarm64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1611889802 (Success)
161240 qemumips debian8-ty-1 1611895664 (Success)
161241 qemux86 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611897265 (Success)
161242 qemux86-64-x32 debian10-ty-2 1611877937 (Success)
161243 qemux86-world ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611903205 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161244 wic fedora31-ty-1 1611882834 (Success)
161245 beaglebone tumbleweed-ty-3 1611883861 (Success)
161246 beaglebone-alt fedora33-ty-1 1611884117 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161247 edgerouter-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1611886906 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161248 genericx86-64-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611887119 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161249 genericx86-alt fedora31-ty-1 1611883346 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161250 meta-arm debian10-ty-2 1611884496 (Success)
161251 meta-intel ubuntu1804-ty-3 1611888860 (Success)
161252 mpc8315e-rdb fedora32-ty-1 1611874219 (Skipped)
161253 mpc8315e-rdb-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1611874217 (Skipped)
161254 musl-qemux86 opensuse152-ty-1 1611893515 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161255 non-gpl3 opensuse152-ty-1 1611876816 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) autoreconf update issue, handled by RP
161256 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1611912322 (Success)
161257 pkgman-non-rpm fedora32-ty-1 1611881268 (Success)
161258 qa-extras fedora33-ty-1 1611881985 (Success)
161259 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611885388 (Success)
161260 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1611896441 (Success)
161261 qa-extras2 tumbleweed-ty-1 1611884892 (Success)
161262 qemumips64 fedora32-ty-1 1611897499 (Success)
161263 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1611903356 (Success)
161264 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-1 1611901164 (Success)
161265 qemuppc centos7-ty-4 1611904505 (Success)
161266 qemuarm-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1611893051 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161267 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611900668 (Success)
161268 qemumips-alt debian9-ty-2 1611892664 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161269 qemuppc-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1611892329 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161270 qemux86-64 debian10-ty-2 1611900590 (Success)
161271 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-2 1611881421 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) autoreconf update issue, handled by RP
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) autoreconf update issue, handled by RP
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) autoreconf update issue, handled by RP
161272 qemux86-64-alt centos7-ty-4 1611891556 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161273 qemux86-64-ltp tumbleweed-ty-1 1611890460 (Success)
161274 qemux86-64-ptest opensuse151-ty-1 1611895696 (Success)
161275 qemux86-alt debian10-ty-2 1611883944 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161276 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1611947310 (Warnings)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings Handled (Other) at patches fuzz, handled by RP
161279 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu2004-arm-1 1611899028 (Success)
161212 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: False
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-01-28 21:01:00 Completed: 2021-01-29 00:01:18
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