Build Status Notes
182205 buildtools
Result: Cancelled Worker: centos8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 11:05:44 Completed: 2021-05-02 11:05:05
182203 buildtools
Result: Cancelled Worker: centos8-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 10:05:04 Completed: 2021-05-02 10:05:15
Step "x86_64 tools: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
Step "i686 tools: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors warnings Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182202 reproducible-fedora
Result: Failure Worker: fedora33-ty-1 SWAT?: False
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - test dunfell with fedora33
Started: 2021-05-02 09:05:03 Completed: 2021-05-02 11:05:58
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT
182201 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 09:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 12:05:48
182200 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 09:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 12:05:47
182199 buildtools
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Try a new uninative
Started: 2021-05-02 08:05:20 Completed: 2021-05-02 09:05:00
182167 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 03:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 06:05:36
182166 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 03:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 06:05:31
182152 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: fedora33-ty-1 SWAT?: False
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - test dunfell with fedora33
Started: 2021-05-02 01:05:36 Completed: 2021-05-02 07:05:09
182150 meta-oe
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu1604-ty-1 SWAT?: False
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 01:05:40 Completed: 2021-05-02 08:05:42
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT
182139 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: tumbleweed-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 01:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 13:05:58
182140 buildtools debian10-ty-2 1619921028 (Success)
182141 poky-tiny opensuse152-ty-1 1619918323 (Success)
182142 build-appliance ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619929205 (Success)
182143 check-layer opensuse152-ty-1 1619917774 (Success)
182144 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619927078 (Success)
182145 beaglebone opensuse152-ty-1 1619937754 (Success)
182146 beaglebone-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1619922189 (Success)
182148 edgerouter debian10-ty-2 1619928539 (Success)
182149 edgerouter-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1619934383 (Success)
182151 reproducible-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619948103 (Success)
182153 genericx86 debian8-ty-1 1619929536 (Success)
182154 genericx86-64 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619935120 (Success)
182155 genericx86-64-alt debian10-ty-2 1619928081 (Success)
182156 genericx86-alt debian10-ty-3 1619925909 (Success)
182157 meta-arm debian10-ty-2 1619935678 (Success)
182158 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2004-arm-1 1619936257 (Success)
182159 meta-intel tumbleweed-ty-1 1619935317 (Success)
182160 multilib tumbleweed-ty-1 1619942658 (Success)
182161 musl-qemux86 tumbleweed-ty-3 1619931613 (Success)
182162 musl-qemux86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619935432 (Success)
182163 no-x11 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619946808 (Success)
182164 non-gpl3 centos8-ty-2 1619924610 (Success)
182165 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619935871 (Success)
182168 pkgman-deb-non-deb centos8-ty-2 1619929596 (Success)
182169 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619934904 (Success)
182170 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-3 1619943052 (Success)
182171 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-3 1619940177 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened opened 14382
182172 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619943478 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182173 qa-extras ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619929684 (Success)
182174 qa-extras2 tumbleweed-ty-3 1619937662 (Success)
182175 qemuarm-alt debian10-ty-1 1619936013 (Success)
182176 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619945932 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened added to 14244, 14296 and opened 14381
182177 qemuarm debian10-ty-1 1619940436 (Success)
182178 qemuarm-oecore debian9-ty-2 1619943014 (Success)
182179 qemuarm64 debian10-ty-2 1619944111 (Success)
182180 qemumips debian9-ty-2 1619957055 (Success)
182181 qemumips-alt debian10-ty-2 1619940247 (Success)
182182 oe-selftest-centos centos7-ty-4 1619955525 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182183 qemumips64 centos8-ty-2 1619942039 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Bug Opened added to 14029
182184 qemuppc ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619949943 (Success)
182185 qemuppc-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619949060 (Success)
182186 qemux86 debian8-ty-1 1619946797 (Success)
182187 qemux86-64 centos8-ty-2 1619941018 (Success)
182188 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619932574 (Success)
182189 qemux86-64-ptest centos7-ty-4 1619941310 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings errors Bug Opened added to 14251
182190 qemux86-64-ltp ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619941032 (Success)
182191 qemux86-64-x32 debian8-ty-1 1619935216 (Success)
182192 qemux86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619941147 (Success)
182193 qemux86-world tumbleweed-ty-3 1619947501 (Success)
182194 qemux86-world-alt centos8-ty-2 1619953217 (Success)
182195 wic centos8-ty-1 1619934541 (Success)
182196 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619946735 (Success)
182197 reproducible-debian debian9-ty-2 1619952233 (Success)
182198 reproducible-centos centos7-ty-4 1619958130 (Success)
182204 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619960664 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182137 check-layer-nightly
Result: Success Worker: tumbleweed-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-02 00:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 01:05:42
182084 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: debian10-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test new patches in -next
Started: 2021-05-01 22:05:17 Completed: 2021-05-02 13:05:04
182085 buildtools tumbleweed-ty-3 1619912163 (Success)
182086 poky-tiny ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619911954 (Success)
182087 build-appliance debian8-ty-1 1619919102 (Success)
182088 check-layer centos8-ty-1 1619909153 (Success)
182089 edgerouter centos7-ty-4 1619928756 (Success)
182090 genericx86 debian9-ty-2 1619928535 (Success)
182091 genericx86-64 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619923714 (Success)
182092 multilib centos8-ty-1 1619933717 (Success)
182093 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1619922179 (Success)
182094 no-x11 tumbleweed-ty-1 1619934399 (Success)
182095 pkgman-deb-non-deb fedora33-ty-1 1619918827 (Success)
182096 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-1 1619913329 (Success)
182097 qemuarm debian10-ty-1 1619927766 (Success)
182098 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619930921 (Success)
182099 qemuarm64 debian8-ty-1 1619934117 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened opened 14382
182100 qemumips centos8-ty-1 1619932187 (Success)
182101 qemux86 tumbleweed-ty-3 1619926750 (Success)
182102 qemux86-64-x32 opensuse152-ty-1 1619914394 (Success)
182103 qemux86-world ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619944632 (Success)
182104 wic tumbleweed-ty-1 1619921600 (Success)
182105 beaglebone centos8-ty-2 1619928923 (Success)
182106 beaglebone-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1619916117 (Success)
182107 edgerouter-alt debian10-ty-2 1619917078 (Success)
182108 genericx86-64-alt centos8-ty-2 1619923595 (Success)
182109 genericx86-alt debian10-ty-2 1619918293 (Success)
182110 meta-arm ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619930267 (Success)
182111 meta-intel ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619918559 (Success)
182112 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619925797 (Success)
182113 musl-qemux86 debian10-ty-2 1619920229 (Success)
182114 non-gpl3 opensuse152-ty-1 1619911788 (Success)
182115 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1619931807 (Success)
182116 oe-selftest-debian debian9-ty-2 1619933815 (Success)
182117 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619933134 (Success)
182118 pkgman-non-rpm opensuse152-ty-1 1619916747 (Success)
182119 qa-extras debian9-ty-2 1619927841 (Success)
182120 qa-extras2 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619926428 (Success)
182121 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619919691 (Success)
182122 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1619921483 (Success)
182123 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619929221 (Success)
182124 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619927745 (Success)
182125 qemumips-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619922358 (Success)
182126 qemumips64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619929008 (Success)
182127 qemuppc debian10-ty-3 1619925998 (Success)
182128 qemuppc-alt debian10-ty-3 1619920815 (Success)
182129 qemux86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619926576 (Success)
182130 qemux86-64-alt centos8-ty-1 1619916904 (Success)
182131 qemux86-64-ltp centos7-ty-4 1619934733 (Success)
182132 qemux86-64-ptest debian8-ty-1 1619930690 (Success)
182133 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619950548 (Success)
182134 qemux86-alt fedora33-ty-1 1619918975 (Success)
182135 qemux86-world-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1619942002 (Success)
182136 reproducible-debian debian10-ty-1 1619927496 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Bug Opened added to 14378
182138 reproducible-centos centos8-ty-1 1619936047 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) webkit gtk and busybox repro, fixed
182147 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619947605 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) webkit gtk and busybox repro, fixed
182207 reproducible-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619961303 (Cancelled)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182083 meta-mingw
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 21:05:17 Completed: 2021-05-01 22:05:18
182082 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 21:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 00:05:12
182081 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 21:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-02 00:05:20
182079 meta-oe
Result: Failure Worker: tumbleweed-ty-3 SWAT?: False
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 19:05:14 Completed: 2021-05-01 22:05:06
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT
182024 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian10-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test revised patchelf (still needs new uninative) and gcc 11 again
Started: 2021-05-01 16:05:51 Completed: 2021-05-02 05:05:27
Step "Send QA Email": stdio Handled (Other) infrastructure timeout issue
182025 buildtools ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619892635 (Success)
182026 poky-tiny debian9-ty-2 1619887150 (Success)
182027 beaglebone ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619895410 (Success)
182028 build-appliance debian8-ty-1 1619891732 (Success)
182029 check-layer debian8-ty-1 1619886440 (Success)
182030 edgerouter ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619894639 (Success)
182031 genericx86 tumbleweed-ty-1 1619891621 (Success)
182032 genericx86-64 debian10-ty-3 1619893337 (Success)
182033 multilib debian9-ty-2 1619906141 (Success)
182034 musl-qemux86 opensuse152-ty-1 1619898322 (Success)
182035 musl-qemux86-64 debian9-ty-2 1619896268 (Success)
182036 no-x11 opensuse152-ty-1 1619903337 (Success)
182037 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-3 1619891496 (Success)
182038 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619890913 (Success)
182039 qa-extras ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619891473 (Success)
182040 qa-extras2 debian10-ty-3 1619897413 (Success)
182041 qemuarm fedora33-ty-1 1619904002 (Success)
182042 qemuarm-oecore tumbleweed-ty-1 1619894838 (Success)
182043 qemuarm64 debian10-ty-1 1619899496 (Success)
182044 qemumips fedora33-ty-1 1619910940 (Failure)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Bug Opened added to 14201
182045 qemuppc ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619906933 (Success)
182046 qemux86 centos8-ty-1 1619900738 (Success)
182047 qemux86-64 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619901839 (Success)
182048 qemux86-64-x32 debian10-ty-1 1619888474 (Success)
182049 qemux86-world tumbleweed-ty-1 1619902593 (Success)
182050 wic opensuse152-ty-1 1619897877 (Success)
182051 beaglebone-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619898268 (Success)
182052 edgerouter-alt debian8-ty-1 1619899701 (Success)
182053 genericx86-64-alt centos8-ty-1 1619892949 (Success)
182054 genericx86-alt centos8-ty-1 1619892883 (Success)
182055 meta-arm centos7-ty-4 1619909557 (Success)
182056 meta-intel centos7-ty-4 1619908822 (Success)
182057 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619892771 (Failure)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) meta-mingw pkgconfig issue, fixed
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) meta-mingw pkgconfig issue, fixed
182058 non-gpl3 debian10-ty-2 1619890431 (Success)
182059 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1619899858 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182060 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-2 1619898974 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182061 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619899329 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182062 pkgman-non-rpm centos8-ty-2 1619898681 (Success)
182063 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619897792 (Success)
182064 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1619896521 (Success)
182065 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619906528 (Success)
182066 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619905611 (Success)
182067 qemumips-alt centos8-ty-2 1619901508 (Success)
182068 qemumips64 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619906510 (Success)
182069 qemuppc-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1619893961 (Success)
182070 qemux86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1619891635 (Success)
182071 qemux86-64-ltp debian10-ty-2 1619905388 (Success)
182072 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619906780 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened added to 14311 and 14296
182073 qemux86-alt debian10-ty-1 1619892435 (Success)
182074 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619922516 (Success)
182075 reproducible-centos centos7-ty-4 1619930150 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) webkit gtk repro, fixed
182076 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619918263 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) webkit gtk repro, fixed
182077 reproducible-debian debian8-ty-1 1619910902 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) webkit gtk repro, fixed
182078 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619899765 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182080 reproducible-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619911722 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) webkit gtk and busybox repro, fixed
182023 qemux86-world
Result: Success Worker: fedora33-ty-1 SWAT?: False
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - dunfell fedora33 testing
Started: 2021-05-01 16:05:50 Completed: 2021-05-01 18:05:42
181967 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test libseccomp in master-next
Started: 2021-05-01 15:05:58 Completed: 2021-05-01 16:05:45
181968 buildtools debian9-ty-2 1619884532 (Success)
181969 poky-tiny tumbleweed-ty-1 1619883978 (Success)
181970 build-appliance ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619885152 (Success)
181971 check-layer debian9-ty-2 1619884123 (Success)
181972 edgerouter ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619885784 (Success)
181973 genericx86 centos8-ty-1 1619885197 (Success)
181974 genericx86-64 centos8-ty-1 1619885399 (Success)
181975 multilib debian10-ty-3 1619885796 (Cancelled)
Step "mip64 n32: Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181976 musl-qemux86 fedora33-ty-1 1619885372 (Success)
181977 musl-qemux86-64 debian10-ty-2 1619884701 (Success)
181978 no-x11 centos7-ty-4 1619885640 (Success)
181979 pkgman-deb-non-deb centos8-ty-2 1619885281 (Success)
181980 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-2 1619884542 (Success)
181981 qemuarm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181982 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619885790 (Success)
181983 qemuarm64 debian10-ty-1 1619885796 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181984 qemumips ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181985 qemuppc ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619885797 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181986 qemux86 debian10-ty-3 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets_1": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181987 qemux86-64-x32 centos8-ty-1 1619884262 (Success)
181988 qemux86-world debian10-ty-2 1619884795 (Success)
181989 wic ubuntu1804-ty-2 1619885355 (Success)
181990 beaglebone ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181991 beaglebone-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1619884585 (Success)
181992 edgerouter-alt debian8-ty-1 1619884956 (Success)
181993 genericx86-64-alt debian8-ty-1 1619885064 (Success)
181994 genericx86-alt centos7-ty-4 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181995 meta-arm fedora33-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181996 meta-intel ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181997 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619884556 (Success)
181998 non-gpl3 tumbleweed-ty-1 1619884079 (Success)
181999 oe-selftest-centos centos7-ty-4 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182000 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-1 1619885797 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182001 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled warnings errors Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182002 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu1604-ty-1 1619885796 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled errors warnings Handled (Other) patchelf issue, handled by RP
182003 pkgman-non-rpm debian8-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182004 qa-extras debian9-ty-2 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182005 qa-extras2 centos8-ty-2 1619885381 (Success)
182006 qemuarm-alt debian10-ty-3 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182007 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182008 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182009 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182010 qemumips-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182011 qemumips64 centos8-ty-2 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182012 qemuppc-alt debian10-ty-1 1619885796 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182013 qemux86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1619885796 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182014 qemux86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1619884726 (Success)
182015 qemux86-64-ltp opensuse152-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182016 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu2004-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182017 qemux86-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1619884667 (Success)
182018 qemux86-world-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1619884831 (Success)
182019 reproducible-debian debian9-ty-2 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182020 reproducible-centos centos8-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182021 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu1804-ty-3 1619885796 (Cancelled)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
182022 reproducible-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1619885795 (Cancelled)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
181966 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 15:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-01 18:05:28
181965 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 15:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-01 18:05:46
181964 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-2 SWAT?: False
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 14:05:51 Completed: 2021-05-01 15:05:15
181961 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 09:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-01 12:05:10
181960 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-05-01 09:05:00 Completed: 2021-05-01 12:05:49
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