Build Status Notes
190861 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: opensuse152-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Retest x86-64 revert with revised kernel version
Started: 2021-06-07 14:06:52 Completed: 2021-06-07 19:06:45
190862 buildtools debian10-ty-3 1623078357 (Success)
190863 poky-tiny fedora33-ty-1 1623077844 (Success)
190864 build-appliance ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623079023 (Success)
190865 check-layer debian9-ty-2 1623077979 (Success)
190866 genericx86 debian10-ty-2 1623080173 (Success)
190867 genericx86-64 debian10-ty-1 1623078834 (Success)
190868 multilib debian8-ty-1 1623080812 (Success)
190869 musl-qemux86-64 debian8-ty-1 1623079472 (Success)
190870 no-x11 tumbleweed-ty-1 1623079377 (Success)
190871 pkgman-deb-non-deb centos8-ty-1 1623079150 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Known centos8 time/sdk failure
190872 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-1 1623078231 (Success)
190873 qemuarm debian9-ty-2 1623091588 (Success)
190874 qemuarm-oecore tumbleweed-ty-3 1623080506 (Success)
190875 qemuarm64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1623089058 (Success)
190876 qemumips debian9-ty-2 1623095473 (Success)
190877 qemux86 tumbleweed-ty-1 1623091071 (Success)
190878 qemux86-64-x32 centos8-ty-1 1623078577 (Success)
190879 qemux86-world fedora31-ty-1 1623079871 (Success)
190880 wic ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623078990 (Success)
190881 beaglebone debian10-ty-3 1623079494 (Success)
190882 beaglebone-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623078316 (Success)
190883 edgerouter centos7-ty-4 1623079216 (Success)
190884 edgerouter-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623078322 (Success)
190885 genericx86-64-alt centos8-ty-2 1623079376 (Success)
190886 genericx86-alt fedora33-ty-1 1623078438 (Success)
190887 meta-arm ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623079648 (Success)
190888 meta-intel debian8-ty-1 1623079393 (Success)
190889 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623079305 (Success)
190890 musl-qemux86 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623078580 (Success)
190891 non-gpl3 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623077996 (Success)
190892 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1623082671 (Success)
190893 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-2 1623082445 (Success)
190894 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1623082094 (Success)
190895 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623083624 (Success)
190896 pkgman-non-rpm centos8-ty-2 1623081324 (Success)
190897 qa-extras ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623079846 (Success)
190898 qa-extras2 fedora31-ty-1 1623080278 (Success)
190899 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623081365 (Success)
190900 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623080248 (Success)
190901 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623088551 (Success)
190902 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623089110 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened added to 14430
190903 qemumips-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1623082479 (Success)
190904 qemumips64 opensuse152-ty-1 1623092493 (Success)
190905 qemuppc centos7-ty-4 1623087559 (Success)
190906 qemuppc-alt debian10-ty-2 1623082268 (Success)
190907 qemux86-64 debian10-ty-3 1623089382 (Success)
190908 qemux86-64-alt centos8-ty-1 1623078612 (Success)
190909 qemux86-64-ltp ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623086878 (Success)
190910 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623087688 (Success)
190911 qemux86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623078658 (Success)
190912 qemux86-world-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1623078763 (Success)
190913 reproducible-centos centos7-ty-4 1623090893 (Success)
190914 reproducible-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1623090951 (Success)
190915 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623086902 (Success)
190916 reproducible-debian debian9-ty-2 1623091405 (Success)
190805 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: fedora33-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test revised kernel patch
Started: 2021-06-07 13:06:33 Completed: 2021-06-07 14:06:28
190806 buildtools centos8-ty-2 1623074640 (Success)
190807 poky-tiny debian9-ty-2 1623074211 (Success)
190808 build-appliance centos8-ty-2 1623074990 (Failure)
Step "Universe fetch: Build targets": stdio warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "BA image build: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190809 check-layer tumbleweed-ty-1 1623074269 (Success)
190810 edgerouter centos7-ty-4 1623075418 (Success)
190812 genericx86-64 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623075635 (Success)
190811 genericx86 opensuse152-ty-1 1623075503 (Success)
190813 multilib ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623076646 (Failure)
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32-img ipk: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32-img ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32 rpm: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32 rpm: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "x86-64 lib32 ipk: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190814 musl-qemux86 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623075185 (Success)
190815 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1623075225 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190816 no-x11 centos8-ty-2 1623075429 (Failure)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Sysvinit weston: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Systemd weston: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Systemd weston: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190817 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-1 1623075432 (Success)
190818 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623074685 (Success)
190819 qemuarm fedora33-ty-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190820 qemuarm-oecore opensuse152-ty-1 1623076348 (Success)
190821 qemuarm64 debian9-ty-2 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190822 qemumips ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190823 qemuppc centos7-ty-4 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets_1": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190824 qemux86 debian10-ty-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190825 qemux86-64-x32 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623074705 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190826 qemux86-world debian10-ty-1 1623075047 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190827 wic tumbleweed-ty-3 1623075498 (Failure)
Step "qemux86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "qemux86-64 wic: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190828 beaglebone ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623076026 (Success)
190829 beaglebone-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623074841 (Success)
190830 edgerouter-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623074653 (Success)
190831 genericx86-64-alt centos8-ty-1 1623074793 (Success)
190832 genericx86-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1623074865 (Success)
190833 meta-arm fedora31-ty-1 1623076735 (Success)
190834 meta-intel ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623075622 (Success)
190835 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623075045 (Success)
190836 non-gpl3 debian9-ty-2 1623074291 (Success)
190837 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-1 1623077088 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190838 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-2 1623076902 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190839 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1623077000 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190840 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623077498 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190841 pkgman-non-rpm debian10-ty-3 1623075455 (Success)
190842 qa-extras fedora31-ty-1 1623075725 (Failure)
Step "Readonly rootfs: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Readonly rootfs: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "ROOT_HOME testing: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Full eSDK type: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Prep locked-sigs test: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Test locked-sigs image: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Test locked-sigs eSDK: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190843 qa-extras2 centos8-ty-1 1623075422 (Failure)
Step "Test logrotate: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Test logrotate: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Test skeletoninit: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Test skeletoninit: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: Build targets": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Systemd with sysvinit compat: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Sysvinit with systemd: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Systemd: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Systemd: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Mesa gallium-llvm: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Mesa gallium-llvm: QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190844 qemuarm-alt debian10-ty-3 1623077439 (Success)
190845 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623077220 (Success)
190846 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190847 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190848 qemumips-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190849 qemumips64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190850 qemuppc-alt fedora31-ty-1 1623077545 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190851 qemux86-64 debian8-ty-1 1623076217 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Build targets_1": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets_1": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "Machine oe-selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190852 qemux86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1623074839 (Success)
190853 qemux86-64-ltp ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623074787 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190854 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623074934 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190855 qemux86-alt debian10-ty-2 1623075009 (Success)
190856 qemux86-world-alt debian8-ty-1 1623075154 (Success)
190857 reproducible-debian debian10-ty-2 1623075188 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190858 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623074926 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190859 reproducible-centos centos8-ty-2 1623075559 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190860 reproducible-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1623076300 (Failure)
Step "Reproducible Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT Kernel version mismatch issue, patch revised
190749 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: tumbleweed-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: retest master-next with base kernel for arm/x86
Started: 2021-06-07 09:06:24 Completed: 2021-06-11 21:06:34
190750 buildtools centos8-ty-1 1623057787 (Success)
190751 poky-tiny centos8-ty-2 1623057073 (Success)
190752 build-appliance fedora33-ty-1 1623060718 (Success)
190753 check-layer debian10-ty-3 1623056939 (Success)
190754 genericx86 ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623058726 (Success)
190755 genericx86-64 debian10-ty-3 1623058499 (Success)
190756 multilib ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623065157 (Success)
190757 musl-qemux86-64 centos8-ty-1 1623059779 (Success)
190758 no-x11 opensuse152-ty-1 1623060016 (Success)
190759 pkgman-deb-non-deb centos7-ty-4 1623060773 (Success)
190760 qemuarm ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623063680 (Success)
190761 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623059859 (Success)
190762 qemuarm64 debian8-ty-1 1623068144 (Success)
190763 qemux86 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623069075 (Success)
190764 qemux86-64-x32 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623057835 (Success)
190765 qemux86-world ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623061129 (Success)
190766 wic ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623059473 (Success)
190767 beaglebone debian10-ty-2 1623059137 (Success)
190768 beaglebone-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1623057689 (Success)
190769 edgerouter ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623058705 (Success)
190770 edgerouter-alt debian10-ty-2 1623057986 (Success)
190771 genericx86-64-alt debian9-ty-2 1623059185 (Success)
190772 genericx86-alt debian8-ty-1 1623058286 (Success)
190773 meta-arm centos7-ty-4 1623059142 (Success)
190774 meta-intel ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623059664 (Success)
190775 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623057848 (Success)
190776 musl-qemux86 fedora31-ty-1 1623059357 (Success)
190777 non-gpl3 tumbleweed-ty-1 1623056961 (Success)
190778 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1623065963 (Success)
190779 oe-selftest-debian debian9-ty-2 1623063811 (Success)
190780 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1623062985 (Success)
190781 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623066150 (Success)
190782 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623058967 (Success)
190783 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-2 1623057824 (Success)
190784 qa-extras debian8-ty-1 1623059844 (Success)
190785 qa-extras2 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623063683 (Success)
190786 qemuarm-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623061259 (Success)
190787 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1623060409 (Success)
190788 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2004-arm-1 1623066781 (Success)
190789 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu2004-arm-1 1623069805 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened added to 14430
190790 qemumips opensuse152-ty-1 1623067972 (Success)
190791 qemumips-alt debian9-ty-2 1623065911 (Success)
190792 qemumips64 debian10-ty-1 1623069556 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Bug Opened added to 14029
190793 qemuppc tumbleweed-ty-1 1623064410 (Success)
190794 qemuppc-alt ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623062665 (Success)
190795 qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1623070202 (Success)
190796 qemux86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1623057920 (Success)
190797 qemux86-64-ltp debian10-ty-1 1623445212 (Retry)
190798 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623068680 (Success)
190799 qemux86-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1623058329 (Success)
190800 qemux86-world-alt fedora33-ty-1 1623061363 (Success)
190801 reproducible-centos centos8-ty-2 1623067496 (Success)
190802 reproducible-debian debian10-ty-1 1623069497 (Success)
190803 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623066894 (Success)
190804 reproducible-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1623071436 (Success)
190748 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 09:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 12:06:45
190747 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 09:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 12:06:12
190746 qemuarm64-ptest
Result: Warnings Worker: ubuntu1804-arm-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 07:06:53 Completed: 2021-06-07 10:06:33
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened reoccurrence of bug 14294
190745 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: tumbleweed-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 06:06:49 Completed: 2021-06-07 07:06:19
190744 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 03:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 06:06:23
190743 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 03:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 06:06:00
190742 check-layer-nightly
Result: Failure Worker: debian10-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 02:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 02:06:09
Step "Test meta-agl YP Compatibility: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) new hardknott target, fix sent to correct branch name issues in config
Step "Test meta-arm YP Compatibility: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) new hardknott target, fix sent to correct branch name issues in config
Step "Test meta-aws YP Compatibility: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) new hardknott target, fix sent to correct branch name issues in config
Step "Test meta-oe YP Compatibility: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) new hardknott target, fix sent to correct branch name issues in config
Step "Test meta-virtualization YP Compatibility: Run": stdio errors Handled (Other) new hardknott target, fix sent to correct branch name issues in config
Step "Sending error reports": stdio errors Handled (Other) new hardknott target, fix sent to correct branch name issues in config
190700 a-quick
Result: Failure Worker: debian10-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 01:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 08:06:48
190702 musl-qemux86 fedora31-ty-1 1623054474 (Success)
190701 beaglebone fedora33-ty-1 1623034681 (Success)
190703 build-appliance debian8-ty-1 1623032492 (Success)
190704 buildtools ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623040788 (Success)
190705 check-layer centos8-ty-1 1623028055 (Success)
190706 genericx86-64 ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623034172 (Success)
190707 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623032258 (Success)
190708 no-x11 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623047148 (Success)
190710 pkgman-non-rpm debian10-ty-3 1623044996 (Success)
190709 non-gpl3 debian9-ty-2 1623031006 (Success)
190711 poky-tiny debian10-ty-1 1623028273 (Success)
190712 qa-extras ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623032977 (Success)
190713 qa-extras2 centos8-ty-2 1623036871 (Success)
190714 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623035503 (Success)
190715 qemuarm64 opensuse152-ty-1 1623037007 (Success)
190716 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1623036600 (Success)
190717 qemuarm64-ptest-fast ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623031949 (Success)
190718 qemumips64 centos7-ty-4 1623040064 (Success)
190719 qemux86-64 debian10-ty-1 1623036136 (Success)
190721 qemux86-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1623032220 (Success)
190722 reproducible debian10-ty-1 1623048645 (Success)
190723 beaglebone-alt debian9-ty-2 1623038189 (Success)
190724 edgerouter debian8-ty-1 1623035591 (Success)
190725 genericx86 debian8-ty-1 1623035542 (Success)
190726 genericx86-64-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623034943 (Success)
190727 genericx86-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623033886 (Success)
190728 multilib ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623041529 (Success)
190729 musl-qemux86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623036407 (Success)
190730 oe-selftest debian10-ty-3 1623046898 (Success)
190731 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-1 1623032285 (Success)
190732 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623033068 (Success)
190733 qemuarm tumbleweed-ty-3 1623039390 (Success)
190734 qemuarm-oecore centos7-ty-4 1623035261 (Success)
190735 qemumips ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623039923 (Success)
190736 qemuppc debian10-ty-2 1623034911 (Success)
190737 qemux86 centos8-ty-1 1623034059 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Known centos8 time/sdk failure
190738 qemux86-64-alt fedora33-ty-1 1623032931 (Success)
190739 qemux86-64-x32 opensuse152-ty-1 1623030863 (Success)
190740 qemux86-world tumbleweed-ty-3 1623041169 (Success)
190741 wic centos8-ty-2 1623032354 (Success)
190699 check-layer-nightly
Result: Success Worker: opensuse152-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-07 00:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 01:06:48
190643 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: centos8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Test newly queued patches (and bitmap revert for kernel)
Started: 2021-06-06 22:06:05 Completed: 2021-06-07 10:06:26
190644 buildtools tumbleweed-ty-1 1623021840 (Success)
190645 poky-tiny ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623020915 (Success)
190646 build-appliance debian8-ty-1 1623021862 (Success)
190647 check-layer ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623020380 (Success)
190648 edgerouter tumbleweed-ty-3 1623021076 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190649 genericx86 debian10-ty-1 1623021505 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190650 genericx86-64 centos7-ty-4 1623021033 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190651 multilib ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623024199 (Success)
190652 musl-qemux86-64 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623023190 (Success)
190653 no-x11 fedora33-ty-1 1623028085 (Success)
190654 pkgman-deb-non-deb centos8-ty-1 1623022030 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Known centos8 time/sdk failure
190655 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623021645 (Success)
190656 qemuarm debian10-ty-2 1623027895 (Success)
190657 qemuarm-oecore centos7-ty-4 1623026385 (Success)
190658 qemuarm64 debian10-ty-2 1623033107 (Success)
190659 qemumips ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623035014 (Success)
190660 qemux86 tumbleweed-ty-3 1623033206 (Success)
190661 qemux86-64-x32 debian10-ty-1 1623021884 (Success)
190662 qemux86-world ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623032386 (Success)
190663 wic fedora31-ty-1 1623023239 (Failure)
Step "genericx86 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "genericx86 wic: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "genericx86-64 wic: Build targets": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "genericx86-64 wic: Run cmds": stdio errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190664 beaglebone debian8-ty-1 1623022265 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190665 beaglebone-alt centos8-ty-1 1623021020 (Success)
190666 edgerouter-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1623021136 (Success)
190667 genericx86-64-alt debian8-ty-1 1623021407 (Success)
190668 genericx86-alt debian10-ty-2 1623021342 (Success)
190669 meta-arm fedora33-ty-1 1623026322 (Success)
190670 meta-intel debian9-ty-2 1623023559 (Success)
190671 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1623021824 (Success)
190672 musl-qemux86 debian10-ty-3 1623026397 (Success)
190673 non-gpl3 opensuse152-ty-1 1623021096 (Success)
190674 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-2 1623028234 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190675 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-3 1623027304 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190676 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1623026149 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio warnings errors Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190677 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623033391 (Failure)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Handled (Other) Failure from patch from RP, patch reverted
190678 pkgman-non-rpm ubuntu2004-ty-2 1623031703 (Success)
190679 qa-extras fedora31-ty-1 1623023421 (Success)
190680 qa-extras2 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1623024286 (Success)
190681 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623025130 (Success)
190682 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1623026034 (Success)
190683 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623032530 (Success)
190684 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1623043038 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened reoccurrence of bug 14294
190685 qemumips-alt ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623026695 (Success)
190686 qemumips64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1623031876 (Success)
190687 qemuppc opensuse152-ty-1 1623028813 (Success)
190688 qemuppc-alt debian9-ty-2 1623026671 (Success)
190689 qemux86-64 centos8-ty-2 1623035105 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) Known centos8 time/sdk failure
190690 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1623022050 (Success)
190691 qemux86-64-ltp tumbleweed-ty-3 1623028218 (Success)
190692 qemux86-64-ptest ubuntu1804-ty-1 1623033258 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened reoccurrence of bug 14294
190693 qemux86-alt debian10-ty-1 1623022467 (Success)
190694 qemux86-world-alt fedora31-ty-1 1623059974 (Success)
190695 reproducible-debian debian9-ty-2 1623037090 (Success)
190696 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu1804-ty-2 1623040535 (Success)
190697 reproducible-centos centos8-ty-1 1623031160 (Success)
190698 reproducible-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1623059390 (Success)
190642 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: centos8-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 22:06:13 Completed: 2021-06-07 00:06:27
190640 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 21:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 00:06:56
190639 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 21:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-07 00:06:16
190638 qemuarm64-ptest
Result: Warnings Worker: ubuntu1804-arm-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: Now test just bitmap removal
Started: 2021-06-06 16:06:37 Completed: 2021-06-06 19:06:20
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened reoccurrence of bug 14294
190637 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: centos8-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 15:06:28 Completed: 2021-06-06 16:06:49
190636 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 15:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-06 18:06:34
190635 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 15:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-06 18:06:00
190634 qemuarm64-ptest
Result: Warnings Worker: ubuntu1804-arm-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: richard Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 12:06:42 Completed: 2021-06-06 16:06:50
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened reoccurrence of bug 14294
190633 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 09:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-06 12:06:51
190632 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 09:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-06 12:06:37
190631 auh
Result: Failure Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 05:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-06 18:06:43
Step "Run cmds": stdio errors warnings Not for SWAT auh is not for SWAT
190630 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-06-06 03:06:00 Completed: 2021-06-06 06:06:48
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