Build Status Notes
198260 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: ubuntu2004-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2021-07-09 15:07:57 Completed: 2021-07-10 01:07:48
198259 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 15:07:42 Completed: 2021-07-09 16:07:01
198258 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 15:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 18:07:16
198257 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 15:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 18:07:58
198201 a-full
Result: Success Worker: debian10-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2021-07-09 09:07:12 Completed: 2021-07-09 20:07:21
198202 buildtools debian10-ty-3 1625828349 (Success)
198203 poky-tiny debian10-ty-1 1625824963 (Success)
198204 build-appliance ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625830937 (Success)
198205 check-layer ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625824599 (Success)
198206 edgerouter ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625834022 (Success)
198207 genericx86 ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625833831 (Success)
198208 genericx86-64 debian10-ty-1 1625829790 (Success)
198209 multilib debian9-ty-2 1625838019 (Success)
198210 musl-qemux86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625836395 (Success)
198211 no-x11 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625838262 (Success)
198212 pkgman-deb-non-deb opensuse152-ty-1 1625833415 (Success)
198213 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625829596 (Success)
198214 qemuarm ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625839802 (Success)
198215 qemuarm-oecore tumbleweed-ty-3 1625826527 (Success)
198216 qemuarm64 tumbleweed-ty-3 1625839642 (Success)
198217 qemumips opensuse152-ty-1 1625843600 (Success)
198218 qemuppc centos7-ty-4 1625836518 (Success)
198219 qemux86 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625845432 (Success)
198220 qemux86-64-x32 centos7-ty-4 1625828441 (Success)
198221 qemux86-world fedora31-ty-1 1625853135 (Success)
198222 wic ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625830779 (Success)
198223 beaglebone ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625836904 (Success)
198224 beaglebone-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625831030 (Success)
198225 edgerouter-alt ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625832511 (Success)
198226 genericx86-64-alt debian8-ty-1 1625834481 (Success)
198227 genericx86-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1625833700 (Success)
198228 meta-arm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625839148 (Success)
198229 meta-intel debian10-ty-3 1625834223 (Success)
198230 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625829660 (Success)
198231 musl-qemux86 tumbleweed-ty-1 1625832792 (Success)
198232 non-gpl3 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625826882 (Success)
198233 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-1 1625836359 (Success)
198234 oe-selftest-debian debian8-ty-1 1625836579 (Success)
198235 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1625833585 (Success)
198236 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625835945 (Success)
198237 pkgman-non-rpm centos8-ty-1 1625835272 (Success)
198238 qa-extras debian8-ty-1 1625833931 (Success)
198239 qa-extras2 debian10-ty-2 1625838912 (Success)
198240 qemuarm-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1625832199 (Success)
198241 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1625829791 (Success)
198242 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625837021 (Success)
198243 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625838068 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened 14470 14163
198244 qemumips-alt centos8-ty-1 1625838102 (Success)
198245 qemumips64 centos8-ty-2 1625844898 (Success)
198246 qemuppc-alt debian10-ty-2 1625833226 (Success)
198247 qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1625842956 (Success)
198248 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625834000 (Success)
198249 qemux86-64-ltp fedora31-ty-1 1625839446 (Success)
198250 qemux86-64-ptest fedora33-ty-1 1625840308 (Success)
198251 qemux86-alt centos8-ty-2 1625831783 (Success)
198252 qemux86-world-alt debian10-ty-3 1625848986 (Success)
198253 reproducible-centos centos8-ty-2 1625846865 (Success)
198254 reproducible-debian debian10-ty-2 1625846792 (Success)
198255 reproducible-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1625863344 (Success)
198256 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625847276 (Success)
198200 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 09:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 12:07:11
198199 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 09:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 12:07:15
198198 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 03:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 06:07:28
198197 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 03:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 06:07:41
198196 check-layer-nightly
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 02:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 02:07:21
198154 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: debian10-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 01:07:25 Completed: 2021-07-09 01:07:02
198153 a-quick
Result: Success Worker: centos7-ty-4 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 01:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 06:07:04
198155 beaglebone centos7-ty-4 1625796237 (Success)
198156 musl-qemux86 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625798755 (Success)
198157 build-appliance ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625794290 (Success)
198158 buildtools debian10-ty-1 1625793462 (Success)
198159 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625794815 (Success)
198160 non-gpl3 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625793219 (Success)
198161 pkgman-non-rpm fedora31-ty-1 1625795535 (Success)
198162 poky-tiny tumbleweed-ty-3 1625793058 (Success)
198163 qa-extras debian8-ty-1 1625795728 (Success)
198164 qa-extras2 debian8-ty-1 1625796430 (Success)
198165 qemuarm-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625797534 (Success)
198166 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 1625797060 (Success)
198167 qemuarm64-ptest-fast ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625795424 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened 14449
198168 qemumips64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625800862 (Success)
198169 qemux86-64 ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625797075 (Success)
198171 qemux86-alt debian10-ty-2 1625794433 (Success)
198172 reproducible opensuse152-ty-1 1625811435 (Success)
198173 beaglebone-alt fedora31-ty-1 1625794677 (Success)
198174 check-layer ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625793108 (Success)
198175 edgerouter ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625796983 (Success)
198176 genericx86 ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625795494 (Success)
198177 genericx86-64 fedora33-ty-1 1625795687 (Success)
198178 genericx86-64-alt opensuse152-ty-1 1625795678 (Success)
198179 genericx86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625794370 (Success)
198180 multilib debian10-ty-2 1625796778 (Success)
198181 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-1 1625795793 (Success)
198182 no-x11 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625802445 (Success)
198183 oe-selftest ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625797899 (Success)
198184 pkgman-deb-non-deb fedora33-ty-1 1625795712 (Success)
198185 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625795502 (Success)
198186 qemuarm ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625798700 (Success)
198187 qemuarm-oecore fedora31-ty-1 1625795825 (Success)
198188 qemuarm64 fedora33-ty-1 1625799392 (Success)
198189 qemumips ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625800165 (Success)
198190 qemuppc centos7-ty-4 1625798893 (Success)
198191 qemux86 opensuse152-ty-1 1625798201 (Success)
198192 qemux86-64-alt debian10-ty-1 1625794609 (Success)
198193 qemux86-64-x32 debian8-ty-1 1625794085 (Success)
198194 qemux86-world debian10-ty-1 1625796984 (Success)
198195 wic tumbleweed-ty-3 1625794486 (Success)
198152 check-layer-nightly
Result: Success Worker: centos8-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-09 00:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 00:07:57
198151 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 21:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 00:07:02
198150 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 21:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-09 00:07:20
198147 meta-oe
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1604-ty-1 SWAT?: True
Owner: kraj Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 18:07:39 Completed: 2021-07-08 19:07:36
198093 a-full
Result: Failure Worker: debian9-ty-2 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2021-07-08 17:07:46 Completed: 2021-07-08 22:07:50
198094 build-appliance ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625769518 (Success)
198095 buildtools ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625768544 (Success)
198096 poky-tiny fedora31-ty-1 1625768305 (Success)
198097 beaglebone ubuntu1604-ty-1 (None)
198098 check-layer ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625768128 (Success)
198099 edgerouter centos7-ty-4 1625774174 (Success)
198100 genericx86 ubuntu1804-ty-2 (None)
198101 genericx86-64 ubuntu1604-ty-1 (None)
198102 multilib debian10-ty-2 1625773112 (Success)
198103 musl-qemux86 debian9-ty-2 1625772341 (Success)
198104 musl-qemux86-64 tumbleweed-ty-1 (None)
198105 no-x11 fedora33-ty-1 1625777998 (Success)
198106 non-gpl3 fedora33-ty-1 1625768353 (Success)
198107 oe-selftest-centos centos8-ty-1 1625772677 (Success)
198108 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-3 1625774405 (Success)
198109 pkgman-non-rpm tumbleweed-ty-1 (None)
198110 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm ubuntu1804-ty-1 (None)
198111 qa-extras centos8-ty-1 (None)
198112 qa-extras2 debian10-ty-2 1625772747 (Success)
198113 qemuarm debian10-ty-1 1625776886 (Success)
198114 qemuarm-oecore centos8-ty-1 (None)
198115 qemuarm64 debian10-ty-1 1625781708 (Success)
198116 qemumips tumbleweed-ty-1 1625778024 (Success)
198117 qemumips64 debian10-ty-3 1625780411 (Success)
198118 qemuppc debian10-ty-1 1625777426 (Success)
198119 qemux86 ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625781570 (Success)
198120 qemux86-64 debian10-ty-2 1625778231 (Success)
198121 qemux86-64-x32 fedora31-ty-1 (None)
198122 qemux86-world ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625777513 (Success)
198123 wic ubuntu1804-ty-2 (None)
198124 beaglebone-alt opensuse152-ty-1 (None)
198125 edgerouter-alt opensuse152-ty-1 (None)
198126 genericx86-64-alt debian8-ty-1 (None)
198127 genericx86-alt debian10-ty-3 (None)
198128 meta-arm opensuse152-ty-1 1625772659 (Success)
198129 meta-intel ubuntu1804-ty-1 (None)
198130 oe-selftest-debian debian8-ty-1 1625774916 (Success)
198131 qemuarm-alt debian8-ty-1 1625772158 (Failure)
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Handled (Other) too old to investigate
198132 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625773536 (Success)
198133 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625782397 (Success)
198134 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625782017 (Warnings)
Step "QA targets": stdio warnings Bug Opened 14470
198135 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625772892 (Success)
198136 qemumips-alt debian10-ty-3 1625773770 (Success)
198137 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625769454 (Success)
198138 oe-selftest-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1625778805 (Success)
198139 qemuppc-alt fedora33-ty-1 1625774056 (Success)
198140 qemux86-64-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 (None)
198141 qemux86-64-ltp centos7-ty-4 1625778254 (Success)
198142 qemux86-64-ptest centos8-ty-2 1625778692 (Success)
198143 qemux86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 (None)
198144 qemux86-world-alt ubuntu2004-ty-1 (None)
198145 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625781276 (Success)
198146 reproducible-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1625780285 (Success)
198050 a-full
Result: Cancelled Worker: debian10-ty-3 SWAT?: True
Owner: abelloni Reason: Test master-next queue
Started: 2021-07-08 17:07:11 Completed: 2021-07-08 17:07:16
198051 buildtools ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625767085 (Cancelled)
Step "i686 tools: Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198052 poky-tiny ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625766298 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio warnings errors Mail Sent util-linux patch
198053 build-appliance fedora33-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "BA image build: Build targets": stdio cancelled warnings errors Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198054 check-layer fedora31-ty-1 1625766157 (Success)
198055 edgerouter ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198056 genericx86 debian10-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198057 genericx86-64 centos8-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198058 multilib opensuse152-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "x86-64 lib32-img rpm: Build targets": stdio cancelled errors warnings Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198059 musl-qemux86-64 debian9-ty-2 1625767085 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198060 no-x11 debian9-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Sysvinit weston: Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198061 pkgman-deb-non-deb tumbleweed-ty-3 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198062 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian8-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198063 qemuarm centos8-ty-1 1625767085 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198064 qemuarm-oecore ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "QA targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198065 qemuarm64 ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198066 qemumips fedora31-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198067 qemux86 centos8-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198068 qemux86-64-x32 debian8-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198069 qemux86-world debian10-ty-3 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198070 wic fedora33-ty-1 1625767085 (Cancelled)
Step "qemux86 wic: Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198071 beaglebone tumbleweed-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198072 beaglebone-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198073 edgerouter-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198074 genericx86-64-alt debian8-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198075 genericx86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198076 meta-arm ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198077 meta-intel tumbleweed-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198078 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198079 musl-qemux86 debian10-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198080 non-gpl3 opensuse152-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled warnings errors Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198081 oe-selftest-debian debian10-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198082 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198083 pkgman-non-rpm tumbleweed-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled errors warnings Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198084 qa-extras debian10-ty-2 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Readonly rootfs: Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198085 qa-extras2 opensuse152-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Test logrotate: Build targets": stdio cancelled warnings errors Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198086 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled warnings errors Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198087 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198088 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu1804-arm-1 1625766765 (Failure)
Step "Build targets": stdio errors warnings Mail Sent util-linux patch
Step "QA targets": stdio errors Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198089 oe-selftest-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "OE Selftest: Run cmds": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198090 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198091 qemumips-alt debian10-ty-1 1625767086 (Cancelled)
Step "Build targets": stdio cancelled Cancelled no errors Build cancelled, no other error
198092 qemumips64 centos7-ty-4 1625767087 (Cancelled)
198048 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 15:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-08 18:07:59
198047 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 15:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-08 18:07:19
197992 a-full
Result: Success Worker: ubuntu1804-ty-1 SWAT?: False
Owner: sakoman Reason: steve - test stable/dunfell-nut
Started: 2021-07-08 14:07:34 Completed: 2021-07-08 21:07:42
197993 buildtools ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625759320 (Success)
197994 poky-tiny debian8-ty-1 1625756277 (Success)
197995 build-appliance ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625757792 (Success)
197996 check-layer fedora31-ty-1 1625756462 (Success)
197997 edgerouter ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625760728 (Success)
197998 genericx86 fedora33-ty-1 1625760563 (Success)
197999 genericx86-64 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625761264 (Success)
198000 multilib ubuntu2004-ty-1 (None)
198001 musl-qemux86-64 debian10-ty-1 1625759864 (Success)
198002 no-x11 centos8-ty-2 1625769036 (Success)
198003 pkgman-deb-non-deb fedora31-ty-1 1625758740 (Success)
198004 pkgman-rpm-non-rpm debian10-ty-2 1625756726 (Success)
198005 qemuarm ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625778069 (Success)
198006 qemuarm-oecore debian10-ty-3 1625762674 (Success)
198007 qemuarm64 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625768222 (Success)
198008 qemumips tumbleweed-ty-3 1625774565 (Success)
198009 qemux86 ubuntu1804-ty-3 1625769159 (Success)
198010 qemux86-64-x32 ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625758737 (Success)
198011 qemux86-world centos8-ty-2 (None)
198012 wic debian8-ty-1 1625757936 (Success)
198013 beaglebone tumbleweed-ty-1 1625762452 (Success)
198014 beaglebone-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1625759142 (Success)
198015 edgerouter-alt centos8-ty-1 1625758833 (Success)
198016 genericx86-64-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1625761470 (Success)
198017 genericx86-alt fedora31-ty-1 1625763472 (Success)
198018 meta-arm ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625756164 (Skipped)
198019 meta-intel ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625763742 (Success)
198020 meta-mingw ubuntu1804-ty-1 1625757982 (Success)
198021 musl-qemux86 opensuse152-ty-1 1625758232 (Success)
198022 non-gpl3 opensuse152-ty-1 1625756344 (Success)
198023 oe-selftest-centos centos7-ty-4 1625768583 (Success)
198024 oe-selftest-debian debian9-ty-2 1625763852 (Success)
198025 oe-selftest-fedora fedora33-ty-1 1625761744 (Success)
198026 oe-selftest-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625762627 (Success)
198027 pkgman-non-rpm debian10-ty-2 1625757572 (Success)
198028 qa-extras debian9-ty-2 1625762311 (Success)
198029 qa-extras2 debian10-ty-2 1625761960 (Success)
198030 qemuarm-alt ubuntu1604-ty-1 1625761583 (Success)
198031 qemuarm64-armhost ubuntu2004-arm-1 (None)
198032 qemuarm64-ltp ubuntu2004-arm-1 1625778594 (Success)
198033 qemuarm64-ptest ubuntu2004-arm-1 1625778255 (Success)
198034 qemumips-alt debian10-ty-1 1625766852 (Success)
198035 qemumips64 debian9-ty-2 1625772595 (Success)
198036 qemuppc centos8-ty-2 1625773965 (Success)
198037 qemuppc-alt tumbleweed-ty-1 1625763390 (Success)
198038 qemux86-64 fedora33-ty-1 1625769490 (Success)
198039 qemux86-64-alt centos7-ty-4 1625767061 (Success)
198040 qemux86-64-ltp ubuntu2004-ty-1 1625769314 (Success)
198041 qemux86-64-ptest debian10-ty-3 1625768171 (Success)
198042 qemux86-alt ubuntu1804-ty-2 1625763476 (Success)
198043 qemux86-world-alt tumbleweed-ty-3 1625776118 (Success)
198044 reproducible-centos centos7-ty-4 1625776122 (Success)
198045 reproducible-debian debian10-ty-1 1625767867 (Success)
198046 reproducible-ubuntu ubuntu2004-ty-2 1625777164 (Success)
198049 reproducible-fedora fedora31-ty-1 1625776460 (Success)
197991 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 09:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-08 12:07:27
197990 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 09:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-08 12:07:15
197989 buildperf-ubuntu1604
Result: Success Worker: perf-ubuntu1604 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 03:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-08 06:07:27
197988 buildperf-centos7
Result: Success Worker: perf-centos7 SWAT?: True
Owner: None Reason: None
Started: 2021-07-08 03:07:00 Completed: 2021-07-08 06:07:53
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